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Jinxie - WIP Mods

Started by Jinxiewinxie, February 08, 2019, 07:29:02 AM

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Now that I'm looking at them together, I may remove the trough from the fenceless one and just rely on folks to use my trough deco-piece instead for the fenceless versions they make..


Quote from: 1 on February 19, 2019, 09:26:26 AM
Jinxiewinxie very nice. Those rabbits are lovely.  :)

Thank you! This has been so very, very difficult. Making the textures customized and doing the models for them and then figuring out how to not get snow on them but get snow on the hutch itself in winter.. its been overwhelming at times XD Trying to match color and fur patterns.. ugh! I've spent a lot of time in Paint.Net and Blender lol


Quote from: 1 on February 19, 2019, 09:51:18 AM
And this rabbits are pets aren't they.
Not for fur.  ???

I think this rabbit hutches and decos are good idea for separate mod.

Oooh, well I'm planning to just release it all as one big mod per Abandoned and Kid's advice. So I'll have the main two hutches in the food menu and then all my rabbits, mini hutches, water trough, fences, etc. exist in my decorations menu.


 :)  I really like those rabbit hutches and rabbits.  Survivors in those days would not have had rabbits as pets, wild rabbits would have been hunted for meat and furs so these hutches producing both meat and fur would fit into timeline of the game.  Several tailors in the game now use furs for coats.   I think after set is finished and released @Jinxiewinxie you may get more requests for rabbit hutches separate.  You can decide then if you want to make them separate. 

The set and these rabbit hutches will be a very nice addition to the game.  :)


that is a nice addition.well done.


 :D  I have to remind myself it is a game, I would rather break cute little rabbits out of the hutch and protect them from dinner plate.  :D  Don't want to take their fur coats away from them either   :D


Make it a happiness center. :)
We have meat in abundance and hides to cover ourselves.
Make hutch produce wool (like from real life rabbits) and set a happiness circle.
Save the rabbit! :)


 :) Sorry to disagree but Bannies will not be happy starving or freezing with a hutch full of cute little rabbits  :)

BTW only angora rabbits have fur that can be spun into yarn, rabbit fur combined with other fur can be pressed into felt fabric, but other than that rabbits produce fur and rabbit meat good for rabbit stew  :)   

Save the rabbits  :-\ - maybe they will run away on their own  :)


Could someone (or someones?) test what I have so far in terms of Bitty Village and Bitty Housing? Bitty Village is still missing a lot of buildings, so its a ways off. I also plan on re-doing the Build01 and Build02 meshes for many of the buildings in there XD

Bitty Housing I think may be release ready, I've fixed the issues shared from previous feedback (costliness of buildings, footprints)

Mainly, I'm looking for answers to these types of questions:

Do the mods work? Does the toolbar set up make sense? Are the menus within menus helpful or just confusing? Do the buildings look semi-okay and work semi-okay? Any specific feedback about random buildings or deco pieces? Is something blatantly missing or wrong?

Thank you for all your help everyone, this has been a team effort for sure  :)

The files are too big to upload and attach in a reply here, lol XD Here's a Google Drive link:

Known Issues/Plans to fix:
-Build01 and Build02 meshes are ugly on Town Service buildings and Food Buildings (will fix to make look similar to Bitty Housing build01s and 02s)
-Fenceless Rabbit Hutch should cost less wood than the fenced kind (will fix, maybe by 2 logs?)
-Windmill and Bakery numbers for flour and bread creation may be way off XD
-Shelter deco items are ridiculous, I plan on making just one or two and getting rid of the 12+ variations for each one lol


@Jinxiewinxie  I did some testing this evening and have some things to report.  First off, the buildings look good, the boarding house better now, and the rabbit hutches are delightful, rabbit meat and leather are good.  :) 

The toolbar set up and menus are also good, later when adding more mods you may want to add submenus. The icons are good also, but you may want to remove debug from the mod.  Bakery and Tavern I believe are usually under Resource Production category rather than food but placement may be modders choice. 

Bitty houses placement in regards to road is a little off - maybe due to bitty size.  The road is either a bit far from the front of house and door or the house overlaps the road.  The road actually goes through the fence on one of the houses - see attached picture.  I could not place the road between two of the house as I expected I could.  Also in pic.

Regarding Village buildings and road placement I found they were not consistent.  The road can be built up to the door of the mill but not the bakery.  The mill worked fine except the miller stood outside the door.  I could not assign a baker to the bakery.  Also I believe it is part of the footprint that shows on the sides of the door extension, it looks like brown soil.  See attached picture.

The school teacher and student also stand outside the school building rather than going inside.

Overall impression - very nice  :)


Thank you both very much! Its so hard to know if something is working as expected because I've seen some weird things between my own modkit environment, the production one on steam and then my hubby's computer sometimes shows things that I didn't see on my own computer too XD Mostly because of the two mods both using images with the same names.. so if I update one image in one mod but not the other, things start looking funny in one mod or both lol

I wish I knew why the baker was being unreliable, typical millennial not wanting to work XD In terms of "production items" like the tavern making ale from this or that or the bakery/windmill making items from this or that, its rough because I'd love to add lots of things for them to use/make, except every mod has different things.. so if I want my windmill to make flour from like, oat.. then I have to make an oat item and hope that another mod that player may be using that also includes an oat item has named it similarly and has similar stats, otherwise my own oat item my be overwritten with odd settings. Each new resource or "item" must be created and included in my mod if I want to use it. I chose corn and flour for the windmill because those are just base-game items that everyone should have XD

I'm almost tempted to scrap existing production style buildings just because its such a pain.. like RedKetchup has his own raw material items, cc has their own, the north, etc. etc. Its rough trying to figure out if things will match up and get stored correctly, too. Making my very own new ideas, like the rabbit hutch is much easier. I can just rely on my own brain instead of hoping things sort of, maybe, kind of, match well and work well with other mods' items.

@Abandoned re: roads and footprints, my original intention was something like this:

Where the houses sit just back from the road and have their own "yard". I think because you CAN build a road across the first three tiles might just confuse folks. I could change it so that it only shows one road-buildable tile right in the middle and then people will be forced to set their houses back a little as seen in my screenie XD

Also, re: points and where workers/bannies stand for buildings.. I put ALL of my little trigger points outside of buildings lol. I thought it was weird to see my bannies just disappear into a building but I think that sort of behavior is expected now, so I'll fix all of those and have the schoolteacher, doctor, etc. go inside instead of being rained on lol

I've noted that I need to fix the footprint for bakery and/or just scrap the whole idea of existing production buildings outside of my windmill (since there's TONS of bakeries and taverns but not that many good-sized windmills). Thank you both again, very much!


Here's the updated and more logical road placement visual:

Easy fix, woo!


 :) I hope you do not scrap the production buildings, they are so nice for the set.  It is just fine if you keep it simple using vanilla staples - you have wood and stone vanilla textures - and everyone can use them.  That is good.  Later you can update with more - your set blends well with Kid's vanilla textured mods so some of his items would be good and not conflict.

For the bakery I could not add a baker to work in either the bakery itself or through the toolbar professions.

Thank you for updating road placement, very nice.  Often due to limited number of builders I have houses placed and built before the roads are even laid.

Also I thought the deco items were very nice also.  Good work  :)


See. Some things are just simple and beautiful.
Pathing can be made very nice with a lot of space and maybe some deco.


Thank you for helping me @Abandoned ! You're right, keeping things simplified and somewhat seamless even if it means they're less feature-rich is probably the best route to go down. I can add more depth (if needed) later and I think it'll be easier once I've got some more modding under my belt, too.

Bakery worker seems fine for me, I'm wondering if there's something conflicting with my baker profession and another mod you may have installed. Did you have any other mods toggled on that have a baker profession?

Footprint is well bad though, like you said lol XD Fixing that ugliness and moving the bakery and tavern over to the production menu are next on my fix list. Ty ty ty ty for all your help and feedback!