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Jinxie - WIP Mods

Started by Jinxiewinxie, February 08, 2019, 07:29:02 AM

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Can do random production, I like that first multi-animal cage and I think birdhouses are possible. They'd just look a little small in game is the only hesitation I have =)


You two have gotten a bit off track here.  The pond was intended for raising ducks and geese, like rabbits in hutch and chickens in coop, ducks in pond, geese in pond. :

Re: Jinxie - WIP Mods

« Reply #281 on: May 06, 2019, 04:29:00 PM »

Turkeys are definitely on my list and I've been thinking about how to add ducks and geese. I think they need a little pond inside a fenced area and not a hutch or coop. I have to do some more research and playing around to make sure I can make a pond (water looks tricky!) first =)

Not saying it could not be deco but ducks and geese for general use and food production was the topic of pond discussion.  :)


 :) Deco bird mod would be nice too.  Suggestions are always good.  By the way, tried Rural Citizens override, it looks really good.


For sure: Ducks & Geese (with a little pond) and Turkeys (with a little roost.. its like a covered shelter but with raised beams under it because turkeys like to be up high sometimes).

Maybe: Anything else lol

My wishlist: I'd love little bird houses on a stick, similar to a mailbox on a stick. For deco things. I'll probably add this to my For Sure list once I finish up the other jumbled mess of plans and ideas I'm working on =)

Now for ranting:

I was working on a bigger size house for my Bitty related things.. Original is marked with a 1 and an example of the medium houses I've been working on and playing around with is marked with a 2. All others are just random houses from a bunch of mods Kid has made (I like his sizing).

I find that I very. much. dislike. the size of my bitty buildings. Even trying to make a bit bigger of a bitty building, its still *too* bitty looking in comparison. Its hard to mix and match my bitty things with anyone else's mods =( What have I done? lol

At least the coops and hutches and deco items I've made are of good size to go with the game and other mods. Any new sets I make (lookin' at you Storybook!) are going to be a normal size-ish so that this problem doesn't crop up again later. At the outset of my modding endeavors, I just really wanted more small buildings and I think I went.. too.. small XD


 :) Don't despair!
One thing is that a lot of people, I included, like small buildings and there is always a demand for them.
Now you have made a whole set and should be proud. You have learned a lot. Next is - 'Not so bitty town'  :) :)

Don't change them or anything. They have a place!

edit - I recommend your Bitty Housing with my Workplaces for those who play with small areas.  :)


Thank you for the reassurances! I just wish I'd listened a little better at the start about the size thing XD Live and learn, heh! =)


Jinxie, your bitty houses are indeed quite bitty!  There is a place for them in some scenarios.  How I use them is when I am using houses in the same area that are of a different scale.  If I like a color and style of a house made on a large scale, but it only takes 3 people total, whereas other houses in the same neighborhood are on a smaller scale, I use a few of your Bitty houses as make believe storage sheds to help balance out the disparities in house sizes.
I also put Bitty houses deep in the forest so workers far from any house have a place to warm up and eat.


you are doing very well Jinxie !
you can be proud !
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Thank you all <3 I'll do better next time though, heh!


Maybe next, next time XD I went ahead and released the extra houses I've been working on since otherwise its been a giant waste of time. They look pretty nice with my other bitty buildings and the mod itself pretty small in size because I figured out the image situation, so at least it has that going for it, heh.



I got sidetracked XD Was trying to take a screenshot but wanted some trees and rocks in the picture but I accidentally removed too many. This happens quite often, heh. So  I decided to make some deco items that are just the base game models but deco-ized.

Everything on THIS side of the stream is deco. I made deco versions of the base game crops (wheat, potato, peppers, beans, pumpkin, squash, corn, cabbage) and then all the gatherable items (mushrooms, herbs, blueberries, onions & roots) and then each of the trees, rocks and iron ore deposits.

Would anyone else use this? Who knows but it suits my problem of wanting base-game natural things wherever I want instead of hoping the darn forester will put a tree down in the middle of town for me =) Plus, placeable rocks are nice.


Very useful for decorating greenhouses!
And parkways and stuff! :)


I hope so! I posted it just in case anyone outside of myself wants to use it, heh XD I had visions of making deco pieces of all the raw materials too, like the boxes of berries and leather on the ground, etc. but managed to hold back my "extra" and keep it small & useful =D


 :) Did you doubt I would want to use these?  ;D  They are fantastic and will be used often.


Those are good looking deco pieces.  I particularly like the rocks.