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RK Editor Choice MOD 1.3.1 FULL

Started by RedKetchup, March 11, 2019, 08:28:07 AM

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Good point about the food and storage, as well as education.
This being my first time with Banished the game is proving to be a bit of a learning curve.
Took me a while to figure out that hops are counted as herbs and so that is why the greenhouse wasn't able to produce any.
The tools one did catch me out and yes all my Bannies are well educated.
I know that I have mentioned it before but I do miss not being able to easily lock and unlock items from the use of the villagers. It would make retaining and producing stock just for industry and manufacturing a little easier.

Took me a while to understand that I do not need the equivalent of donkeys and caravaners, as the other game that I played did. They were used to transport commodities between barns and stockpiles  to balance out stock between them.


you are correct there is a learning curve or time to adjust your play style.  you can use the limits to your advantage. in the beginning,keep them low for tools and clothing,so these workers help the laborers more often. as the population grows, increase them. the game will alert you that you are running low.

   1 trick to avoid tool shortages is have different blacksmiths that produce different tools. set 1 ding on mods iron ,1 to iron ore,1 to stone. this way if you are short a material,the others can keep making tools. same thing can be done with clothing ,depending on mods used.

     also use the townhall. the production stats help tell you each year what you are not producing enough of. if you see log production is running less than the used #,slow down construction and add a forester.


Thanks for those pointers.

I have just realised what it has meant to not pay attention that much to the actual stock within my barns. The normal barn can hold far more than just food items when it comes to this mod. As I seemed to enjoy making those items without them being traded or used much I hadn't paid attention to the fact that my barns were emptying of food and filling up with other non essential items. Food production remained positive, for a while, just no where for it to go..!
To have around 250 or so population was satisfying for me, to then see almost that many knife and fork symbols appear on the screen was a little concerning, understatement there...!
I then started seeing other more dire symbols......

:'(   :o

It's all about balance, I now know.


It's definitely a learning curve but you're doing well! Keep it up :)



As I'm trying to re-balance my storage, have you got any idea as to what commodities combine to the "Misc" category...?

I am having to set that value really high to try and get some fertiliser growing in my stables for the greenhouses. But I do not see any single one item adding to the 14,000 target that I have had to set to start some production. I have zero fertiliser in stock. If I knew what else was adding to the Miscellaneous category I could reduce or temporarily switch off their production or gathering etc.

Thanks again.


I might be wrong, it´s been a while since I played RKEd but as far as I remember fertilizer is in the same category as clay and sand, materials I think it´s called. "Misc" is more flowers, perfume and such things. I might be wrong and mix versions of the mod because I know that Red made some changes here. But I remember my trouble with fertilizer on stockpiles close to brickyards and glassmakers and clay on piles close to the greenhouses.


Thanks, you could be on to something there. I think that misc might include water and flowers as I moved both at the same time to the trade ports and I could then drop the 14k limits for the Misc category. If I'm right then fertiliser is in the same group as flowers and water (?). Even tho water is capped with the food group, so I could be wrong with that one.
I'm forming an opinion that clay and sand are part of the materials group.

Thanks again for your help.


Water is food, so if your people are starving don´t move it to the trading port. It belongs to no food category, so if someone gets only water he will lose all the hearts but will not starve.


Oops. Just re read what I had written. I had over 12k of water and it was increasing in stock. So I moved  around 8k or so to the trading posts and I'm monitoring the balance. But now that I understand that it has a sustaining function I'll be cautious.

At over 250 Bannies I have used my last "knife and spoon" incident to take stock of my position and ensure that I'm ok at sustaining, with growth potential.
When those nomads come knocking tho they have to be catered for, they arrive hungry. lol


@RedKetchup Regarding XtraLgt V1.3.1e. Will you be sharing this or no?


Im new here. I downloaded this mod. I hope it works ok as I seem to get mods that crash my game.  ??? :'(
I look forward to playing it!


if you have crashes, start a thread. we will try to solve the problem. make sure you have the latest upgrade to 1.07 banished.


I'm new to this mod, but I'm mostly enjoying it so far.  One issue I haven't been able to figure out are all of these baskets laying around that I can't seem to clear.  (sample image)  Can anyone tell me what these are and/or how to retrieve or remove them?


Laborers first come to "harvest" the resources in the area you chose to clear.  Trees turn into log piles, herbs and foods into baskets, stones and ores into piled blocks, etc, Then after all the harvesting in the area is completed, laborers will come back to pick up the baskets to move them to storage/markets. The same for logs, stones and ores that are carried into stockpiles. Wait for the harvesting phase to complete and you will see them carrying things away next.


check your food limit and storage. if you are at the food limit ,the bannies will stop collecting.