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Mark's Ramblings

Started by MarkAnthony, August 31, 2019, 02:30:41 PM

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Our Stay at Bedford Village / Kylar

Kylar was still visibly upset with Nilla and I get it. I took him outside to talk him down. He told me that he couldn't help but wonder what if this was his son that had gotten sick? Could he have just sat by while some traveling medicine peddler dispensed with some sham "ointment" or some sort of "cure all" in a bottle?! I understand what he was getting at. We were told by this lady at a rest stop that Nilla was a doctor and that's what we all believed and were expecting the whole time we traveled to see her; we thought the child was going to be seen and treated by a real doctor not this... what did she call herself? An herbalist? Yeah, I get why Kylar would be upset. I imagine that if I had kids too, I would be as well. Anyhow, Kylar's disposition hadn't changed much since I took him outside so I told him to just take a walk with me, I'm thinking that maybe the fresh air and a brisk walk would help.

Nothing I said to Kylar seemed to help change his mood. You need to understand Kylar though, his parents were well educated city-folk before they relocated when he was a youngster to a more simpler lifestyle and were successful in their own rights and so he was used to seeing real doctors when they were needed; they had the money so they could afford to see them.

Anyways, the evening air was cooling off quite a bit and it had a bit of a chilly bite to it too so I nudged Kylar and pointed to a nearby pub. "What'cha feel like having Kylar? How about a good ale or do you prefer a mead? My treat!" He didn't respond but after we went inside and walked up to the brewer behind the counter Kylar just pointed at another patron's drink and said, "Gimme one of those" and I told the brewer that I'd have the same. We sat on some stools at a nearby table and drank our drinks, it was a Strong Ale I think, wheat-flavored, not bad really. We didn't speak much, Kylar just slowly sipped the foam at the top and when the foam was gone he suddenly just gulped it all down in about three swallows! Lol, I think he was feelin' alright after that!  ;D We saw some more people pass by outside the window so I pointed at them and nodded my head, "Let's go". Kylar went to get down off the stool but stumbled a bit, he didn't fall though but that would have been funny in of itself. Kylar was the runt of us seven boys so I think that Strong Ale that he gulped down hit him pretty hard. No worries though, I got him. As we exited Kylar turned around briefly to look at the window of the pub and said, "You know? That wasn't actually half-bad. What's the name of this place? Maybe we could come again tomorrow." The name painted on the window said Kid's Pub & Grub.

It was getting late and I didn't know offhand how long we were gone or whether or not everyone else was still waiting on us at Nilla's place so we needed to head back. I didn't want bring Kylar back though, I thought maybe if he saw the building again or Nilla herself that he would get all riled up again so I just told him to sit down on this bench we were coming up on. "Go ahead and just sit here a bit Kylar, I'll go fetch the rest of them and we'll meet you back here." Kylar sat down, nodded his head in agreement and leaned back and crossed his arms to guard against the cold and slowly closed his eyes. There was a lantern post near by and it shown it's light on a little bronze placard that was on the top board of the bench, it said "Kid's Bench - A Happy Seat for Happy Butts!"

Maybe this bench will help Kylar as well I thought to myself. :P


Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


So, so a herbalist, treating people with evil-smelling ointments and potions. oh dear. ;) At least, seem to have a good reputation.


Quote from: Nilla on September 25, 2019, 09:25:03 AM
So, so a herbalist, treating people with evil-smelling ointments and potions. oh dear. ;) At least, seem to have a good reputation.
ROFL  :P   Evil-smelling ointment  --> think: Vicks VapoRub, maybe you invented it?!

I had hoped you'd get a kick of me portraying you as an herbalist. I know how very fond of them you are and I thought it might be funny if the Herbalists of Banished had a little payback, of making you not only liking what herbalists do, but becoming one yourself because you believe so strongly in them!  Muahaha!  ;D
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


Our Stay at Bedford Village / Vincess & Michel

After I left Kylar on the bench to go back to Nilla's place and get everyone else they updated me on what Nilla had told them. Nilla suggested we stay in town for a while until the child showed visible signs of improvement and to bring the the child in once a week for a check up; the child might require another rub-down or another dose of her concoction she thought. We thanked Nilla for her help, and after Arelia had given her a tight hug in appreciation we left and headed on down the street further to see what else this town provided. Without meaning to, the group kind of split up for a bit. We went one direction while Ewel, Vincess, Emilian and Michel drifted off together and went another way. "We're going to see if we can find us some place to stay", said Vincess. "We'll catch up with you soon!", said Michel and they all waved a temporary-goodbye. Me and my group went back to the bench to get Kylar who was probably fast asleep by now.

Ewel and Emilian were basically joined at the hip so it's no surprise that their wives Vincess and Michel would be too. The four of them meet up pretty much on a daily basis just to chat or to run errands in town and to eat together; they also live close to one another as well so this wasn't uncommon.

The night air was a bit colder than before and it still had that bite to it so the two groups didn't meander for too long; they made haste as they made their rounds through town. "Look, over there" said Michel as she pointed to a larger stone building, "Kid's Bed and Breakfast!" "Maybe we can stay there for the night?" she asked Emilian. Emilian nodded thinking that'd be a good idea and perhaps there would be room for everyone else too so they all walked up and went inside to find out.

"Goodness gracious! You four look cold!", said the clerk behind the counter who happened to have her hand cupped over the bell on the counter. "Yes we are", Ewel said, "And so are our other friends who are still outside."

"Hello Ma'am" said Vincess. "Do you think you might have room for all of us?" she asked. Vincess wrinkled her nose a bit expecting the clerk to react with shock and then said, "There are fourteen of us in total, twelve adults and two children!" The clerk did respond of course but more pleasantly than we all expected she would.

"Of course my dear, of course! The more the merrier! This is Kid's Bed and Breakfast after all; Kid is nothing but accommodating, yes he is!" she smiled. "In fact, you're actually pretty lucky because in a couple of weeks we'll start receiving more out of town visitors and they would have booked us solid! You might have had to stay at the pub if you had come during that time."

"Why all the out of town visitors? What's going to happen in a couple of weeks?" asked Ewel. "I'm surprised that you actually don't know" said the clerk. "Everyone knows!" "Knows what?" asked Emilian who's really curious now. The clerk shakes her head at the silliness of that question. "Everyone knows about Kid's Christmas and the feasts and decorations and children and toys and candy and ... and...! " She just went on and on and on and the five of them just all started laughing together.

"Okay, okay you talked us into it. We'll speak with the others and I'm pretty sure we'll all agree to stay through the holidays because we need to stay a while anyhow on account of one of the children." says Michel. "Oh, you're the ones who were expected by Nilla, welcome and enjoy your stay! Nilla will take good care of you while you're here; her ways are a bit non-traditional and maybe a bit quirky but she'll fix you right up none the less, you'll see, you'll see." replied the clerk.  "Your rooms will be upstairs and to the left, room for all of you and if you need anything come on down to the desk here and let me know - just... just please don't ring the bell! I hate that confounded thing but Kid wants it here, he... he thinks it's fun!" She said that last part sarcastically.

The clerk walked into a room off the side of the counter to get all of our room keys and Vincess slapped the bell to see what all the fuss was about and then quickly turned away and put her hands behind her back pretending she didn't do it. The clerk immediately poked her head out of the room and looked at the four of them but concentrating most of her glare at Ewel who was closest to the counter. The other three chuckled at Ewel who then glared at them for getting him in trouble!  The bell played a "Jingle Bells"-like melody but it was really out of tune and yeah, it was annoying!  :D            
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


Break time!

I hope others have been enjoying this as much as I have enjoyed writing it; not as many comments as I secretly hoped for (secret's out now, eh?) so I really don't know how many people are actually reading this or not. I've just been making it up as I go of course. I had no idea it would be this lengthy, and I definitely had no intention on it being so; it was just supposed to be a simple preface to my new KidSettlers game and I wanted to give a little backstory on how they all met and why they were looking for some place new to settle down at. I just started writing and one thing led to another, flowing fast at first.  :)

I'm having fun with this though. As I'm writing this I'm finding myself getting a good laugh too at the funny parts or what I think are the funny parts but I don't know how much more I can write. I think timeline-wise because of the children (two where I left off and six due by the time we actually get to our KidSettlers starting spot) that I have about another two years to go but I don't think I got two more years of stuff in my head to write about. I'm wondering if I should do a little wiggle of the nose or blink of my eyes (Bewitched/I Dream of Jeannie Tv references) and just fast-forward us somehow. What'cha think?

I don't know. I can probably go one more episode in this moment but I haven't the faintest idea if I could carry it further from there or not. I guess it all depends on what's in the next episode which... I haven't even got a single word for yet. I'm in the dark as much as you all right now.  Haha  :D

Think I'm gonna take a nap. :)
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.



Kid's Settlers' Buttons

I just wanted to give Kid a standing ovation of applause about his button-style; I really like the colored-buttons and I think they really stand out and his choice of icons were good too for all the things they represent within. I know Kid probably isn't the first one to use colored-buttons; I have seen other mods with them too so I don't know who did them first, but of the 310 mods I have in my WinData folder right now and a few dozen other mods I have tried in the past most of them do not make use of colored-buttons. I kind of wished they would though, it really makes them "pop"!

I know Colonial Charter has a bunch but mind you I didn't try CC in the beginning not until my second month of playing I think; If I recall correctly the first colored-button I ever saw in a Banished mod was @RedKetchup 's Ketchup mod.

Speaking of your mods Kid, any chance you might ever update your ColonialHouses mod and some of your other older ones as well? The only kind of update I am referring to is putting them into the now commonly-used Community section under your Kid button and getting them out of the main toolbar area. Just wondering is all, this isn't a game-breaking issue or something that would prevent me from using them.
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


you mean this button?

the bells next to the RH mod.


Sorry, I don't see any bells on a button in your image unless you mean the one next to the tree with the little house on it. And what's RH? I don't recognize that.

No, I was referring to the bell button in my image the one next to the community button, that's for Kid's ColonialHouses mod. I wouldn't mind seeing that moved to Kid's personal community-mod button. He has a couple of other older ones that also place their buttons on the main toolbar too.
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.



Our Stay at Bedford Village / Busy, Busy, Busy!

((I've run out of ideas for things to write about so I am speeding things up a bit, sorry!))

Things are looking up for Alling's and Arelia's child, her cough finally went away after one last dose of Nilla's special concoction but it did require us to have an extended stay in Bedford Village for another couple of weeks. No one seemed to mind though for Bedford Village is actually quite a nice place and the people are nice enough it seems except for that one guy, the blacksmith - he's a 'grumpy cuss' from what my wife Preslee told me, "Stay away from him!" she said.  ???

Regardless of him we wouldn't mind settling here, all in all this is a pretty decent place and we definitely saw the worst it can be over at Scofields' Township. But that wasn't the original plan and I don't think it'd sit well with us in the end if we deviated from that; we loved Benedy a lot and we want to stick to our original idea and do that for him in his honor.

What I find a bit odd though is just about every building in Bedford Village has Kid's name on it; isn't that wierd? Even that bench I set Kylar down on has his name on it. Who's this Kid person? Has anyone actually ever seen him? I wonder if even the trees or blades of grass have his name etched on it somewhere, lol.  ;) All joking aside, whomever this Kid person is he seems to really take care of everyone here in Bedford Village and he keeps everything looking sharp and running good; okay well ...maybe not that bell in the Kid Bed and Breakfast but maybe that wasn't something with his name on it. Hehe  :D

We are seeing more and more people in Bedford Village nowadays but they don't seem to be as loud or pushy or as rude as those we encountered at Scofields' Township. There's only a few days left until Christmas now and the residents and workers around here have been running around like chickens with their heads cut off getting everything decorated and set up for this "Kid's Christmas" that clerk told us about. As usual, everything looks splendid, even enticing I might say and the food! Oh goodness the food and drink are fabulous! We've had a few samples of the upcoming dishes being made and everything tastes divine! We're definitely sticking around for Kid's Christmas, crowded or not!

Hmmm, speaking of chickens I think Kylar said he wanted to get a couple for his son to raise and play with. I wouldn't mind some chicken and eggs but I won't mention that in front of his son of course. I recall seeing a farm not too far away from here and you know what? It may actually be the only place in town that didn't have Kid's name on it come to think of it. What was it called again? Something like Red's... hmmm... Oh yeah! Red's Creamery and of course it had a very, very, red barn but that was to be expected I guess. I'll send Kylar over there with his son later on when I get back to our rooms but right now I think I will go and see about doing some Christmas shopping. We're all kind of short on money though not having worked in a while and spending our savings on staying at Kid's Bed and Breakfast for as long as we have but maybe a few trinkets or just something for the children; perhaps I'll stop by and see this blacksmith fella and check him out too while I'm at it.               

@RedKetchup @kid1293
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


Quote from: brads3 on September 25, 2019, 06:48:15 PM
wrong pic
I didn't notice at first what you wanted me to see or what you wanted to say about it but then I finally saw it.

I don't know why your KidColonialHouses mod (the bell) shows there, as you saw in my screenshot it's on the main toolbar and always has been located there ever since I first downloaded and used it. Different version maybe?
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


yep you have a 1.06 version.


Quote from: brads3 on September 25, 2019, 07:31:54 PM
yep you have a 1.06 version.
Yeah, I have the ColonialHouse 1.53 Fix version.

Uhmmm.. by the way, did you catch my last story episode right before your last reply to me?  Stay tuned...  :o                
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


Stuck again!

Sorry, I'm stuck again. I kind of have a couple of ideas I was leading up to in my last story episode but I haven't been able to piece it together in my head yet so that "Busy, Busy, Busy" one might be the last story episode for the night.

I have a few more characters I'd like to introduce but if I manage to do that somehow I'm afraid they'll kind of be crammed in together in one or two final story episodes - they won't have their own story episode like Nilla got. I'm just running out of things to say, that's all it is.  :(   I'm ready to start playing too!  ;)
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.