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Started by MarkAnthony, August 31, 2019, 02:30:41 PM

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Okay, I got that KidColonialModular - Housing one installed to replace the other. I already had the KidColonialModular - Resources one so I'm not sure how I missed the housing mod.  I got it now though.

Neener, neener!   :P

Thanks for the heads-up Brad.  :)
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


It's been a couple of months now I think since I was given this, or at least it feels like it - but I truly love my custom toolbar that @kid1293 made for me! I never play a game without it!

And as you can see that KidColonialHouse button is gone from my toolbar now. Yay! :P

Thanks Kid!  ;)
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


I have some questions for you @kid1293 or anyone else who may know.


  • NewFlora + Patches
  • WildLifeStarts
  • KidColonialModular - Housing
  • KidColonialModular - Resources
  • KidAmongTrees
  • KidAnimalShedSA
  • KidGrowHuntFish
(1) I'm getting Flax which I assume is coming from NewFlora but the Colonial Clothing Store and the Among Trees WorkShop doesn't/won't use it. I had to build the NewFlora tailor to use it. Is the KidAmongTrees mod supposed to use the NewFlora items too? The Among Trees WorkShop seen in the first image sat with "out of materials" for over three months refusing to use what I had in a nearby barn.

(2) This is my second attempt at using the Mother Tree. In both attempts it seems the output is super low, is it supposed to be? As seen in the second image I placed it in an area that was more than half full with grown trees and you only see a few new little trees and the poor output results.

(3) What mod is introducing the Fire Bundle? I assume it's to be used as firewood yes? I never saw "Fire Bundle" before but remember I am new to using Kid's mods on a regular basis. I didn't buy them because I didn't want to waste "currency" on something I didn't know about.

(4) Lastly, I always wondered about this, please refer to the last image. See the radius circle and how it crosses the river onto the other land mass? Will the radius circle crossing over water without any bridges cause the workers (gatherers, hunters, foresters etc) to behave like Laborers do when you accidentally select something to be cleared on the other side? Will they try and cross over to gather/plant/hunt and then end up dying like Laborers do or do they know not too if there is no bridge?

I'm playing a colonial side-game since I am stuck on what to write further in my Benedy Storyline. I also don't feel up to writing any more of it if I'm only writing it for myself; I don't really know who else is reading it, if any... anymore.

For now, I'm enjoying this side game in KidColonial. I'm hoping that maybe it will spark some new ideas for the current Benedy story should I continue on with it.
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


Hi Mark. Good Morning :)
I am not sure about the patches you mention. Are they for the New Flora?
It might be that you have got flax that is changed from the original New Flora path and
therefore incompatible. The flax patches are only needed when playing with CC or NatDiv.

I don't know about Fire Bundle but it can be the same patch that introduces them.
There will not be any use for them except as fuel. I think they are from NatDiv

Mother Tree uses vanilla code and should behave like any other forester...?

Yes, it has happened that workers get trapped on the other side. Better adjust circle placement
or have a bridge.


Good morning to you Sir, Midnight + 15 for me  ;)

Yeah the two patches I was referring to were the Flax patch and the NewPineFlora patch.

I'm not using NatDiv, you told me it's not too good with your mods.

I've never seen Fire Bundle before, I thought maybe it came from one of your mods - it was your trader that brought them, not Vanilla's trader. You thought maybe it came from NatDiv but again, I haven't been using that for a while now since I switched over to your mods.

Yeah, Mother Tree doesn't thrill me too much. I used a Vanilla Forester after five years of using the Mother Tree, results were better from the Vanilla Forester but not by a gigantic amount or anything... just better.

Thanks for the reply - now it's my turn to go to bed so I can say "Good morning" later on in a few hours.  :D

Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


I have no Fire Bundle. I can't help you.

Too bad about Mother Tree. I don't understand why. I have checked again  - Nothing in the code.


@MarkAnthony If you are only using Kids mods then you should only be using his NewFloraEdit mod without Necora's patches.  NewFloraEdit found here:

There is no problem with Mother Tree - like other foresters and vanilla it takes a while before forester clears land, plants trees, and cutts trees.  It also depends on how far away forester lives and how many laborers you have picking up and taking to stockpiles.  Vanilla forester can have more workers.


Quote from: MarkAnthony on September 26, 2019, 09:54:52 PM
I have some questions for you @kid1293 or anyone else who may know.


  • NewFlora + Patches
  • WildLifeStarts
  • KidColonialModular - Housing
  • KidColonialModular - Resources
  • KidAmongTrees
  • KidAnimalShedSA
  • KidGrowHuntFish
(1) I'm getting Flax which I assume is coming from NewFlora but the Colonial Clothing Store and the Among Trees WorkShop doesn't/won't use it. I had to build the NewFlora tailor to use it. Is the KidAmongTrees mod supposed to use the NewFlora items too? The Among Trees WorkShop seen in the first image sat with "out of materials" for over three months refusing to use what I had in a nearby barn.

(2) This is my second attempt at using the Mother Tree. In both attempts it seems the output is super low, is it supposed to be? As seen in the second image I placed it in an area that was more than half full with grown trees and you only see a few new little trees and the poor output results.

(3) What mod is introducing the Fire Bundle? I assume it's to be used as firewood yes? I never saw "Fire Bundle" before but remember I am new to using Kid's mods on a regular basis. I didn't buy them because I didn't want to waste "currency" on something I didn't know about.

(4) Lastly, I always wondered about this, please refer to the last image. See the radius circle and how it crosses the river onto the other land mass? Will the radius circle crossing over water without any bridges cause the workers (gatherers, hunters, foresters etc) to behave like Laborers do when you accidentally select something to be cleared on the other side? Will they try and cross over to gather/plant/hunt and then end up dying like Laborers do or do they know not too if there is no bridge?

I'm playing a colonial side-game since I am stuck on what to write further in my Benedy Storyline. I also don't feel up to writing any more of it if I'm only writing it for myself; I don't really know who else is reading it, if any... anymore.

For now, I'm enjoying this side game in KidColonial. I'm hoping that maybe it will spark some new ideas for the current Benedy story should I continue on with it.

Oh , come on , please tell us more storys!!!!


Quote from: Abandoned on September 27, 2019, 04:31:27 AM
@MarkAnthony If you are only using Kids mods then you should only be using his NewFloraEdit mod without Necora's patches.  NewFloraEdit found here:
I have NewFloraEdit also and have tried it, I don't like it. Maybe it's because of using the patches with it? But yeah I don't like it and here's why - every time I have used NewFloraEdit I get double ClearWildFoods and double Clear Deadwood? I think that was it but yeah, I got two doubled buttons for the gather tools. When I switch back to NewFlora (full) everything is fine no double buttons on anything.

EDIT: And before you ask, no... I did not run NewFlora and NewFloraEdit at the same time.  :P
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


with the grass or a desert start,you almost have to use 2 foresters to get the trees planted. the forester is cutting the trees faster than they grow.this means less logs.

have you tried the flora patch without the flax patch? the flax patch would try setting the flax to CC. you could use TANDY's flora mod instead of the fora patch.

fire bundles is a CC item. it could be stuck in the registry or piggy backed in a mod. the merchants might bring other odd items.


I think the only CC mods I had loaded in that game was the CC Transport and CC Docks, you think one of them added the Fire Bundle?

In fact, those are the ONLY CC mods I use, ever.
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


CC docks makes fire bundles from reeds.


Okay thanks Brad.

While your at it Sir, why don't you just write up a Banished Dossier for me with everything you know and email it to me at markantho......   :P   It'd probably contain some juicy tidbits I could use. It'd save you a lot of time.

You create it, I'll edit it and together we'll publish a "Banished For Dummies" book and get as rich as Luke!  ;D
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


that would take the fun of figuring things out away from you.


Quote from: brads3 on September 27, 2019, 08:51:13 AM
that would take the fun of figuring things out away from you.
But... but... but Brad!  :( We'd be rich! I could buy me some fun!  ::) :P
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.