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irrelevant - Sink Mill: trying for 5000, got 6000 instead

Started by irrelevant, August 15, 2014, 05:49:45 PM

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463 Ale is excellent on a big map with that amount of people. I have looked a little bit before on my big trading villages and I have made some notes; On my small map  ~2500 Bannies I had 487 about the time, as i stopped to play, but on the medium map with ~4000 it was only 340-360. :( On the small map it was easy to find brewers who produced 600 ale or more but on the medium I was happy to find a few with 500.

I am sure you are building a bit wiser, you have much more markets and less ale producers on each market (OK I had to build tighter on that smaller map but I think I made too few)

I saw on the last picture that there is a church and a graveyard, do you have churches and graveyards for all people?


@Nilla I think I may put markets closer together than most people do; I put them where I think they best support the logistics net, and if the circles overlap, they overlap. I also probably use more vendors. The markets in the industrial areas have 12-15, and I'll bump them to the max when I get enough housing. To me, that seems to be the best way to insure an efficient distribution system. Gotta make sure there's always fruit available everywhere!

I've been thinking that it doesn't really matter how far away from work vendors and traders live, unlike farmers and resource producers; they're going to be wandering around all the time in any case.

Making fair amounts of coats and tools too, 4877 tools (mix of steel for use and iron for trade) at 45 smiths (avg 108), and 4371 coats (mix of warm for use and wool for trade) at 39 tailors (avg 112).

For now I do have cemetery space for everyone; this may be about to change however. I do not have enough churches for all, never have had in this town.


Time to get serious about building houses; going to need 150-200 new ones over the next couple of years. Got 27 under construction right now plus another 50 or so laid out, plus a couple of farm grids and 3-4 markets to finish laying out. Turning fields into farms is taking place here and there as well. Can get 6 houses on one 8x15.

Then it's on to the southwest corner; more farms.


Early Winter 57 - pop 3127

Most time spent in game today was paused, laying out farms and markets. But all nomads are now in houses, all children are in school.

Screen 1 - Newport expansion, housing for vendors and traders.

Screen 2 - the landlocked trader at last comes into play, the nexus for expansion into the southwest corner.


Late Summer 59 - pop 3225

Screen 1 - Squash is beginning to grow on me.  ;) Give it the full complement of farmers, and hit the fields with the priority tool in early spring, and it does okay. Laughs at early frost while beans dissolve. Keeps growing down to 28F


Late Autumn 59 - pop 3251, 65% of the way there.

Screen 1 - Merchies bringin' it.

Screen 2 - Southwest corner is going to be tough, even with the boost provided by construction mats dragged to (and bought at!) the landlocked TP.


I think it's a sign that you have a little bit of an obsession with trading posts when you refer to merchants as "merchies".   ;D


@canis39  LOL, nah, that goes back to my days of playing a game called "War in the Pacific", on computer in the 00s, and with paper maps and cardboard counters in the 80s and 90s. Merchant ships figured heavily in both versions, and players called them "merchies" for short. I'll forever call merchant vessels that.


Winter 59 pop 3241, paused almost all evening. Pop is going the wrong way! I expected this, I was slow with building houses a few years back. I may even lose a hundred or two before it starts to trend back up. Couples moving into new houses now are in their 30s, they probably will have only one child, two at the most. Fortunately I have plenty of space to build houses.

Screen 1 - the last big farm area laid out. This will be challenging, down in the corner. I do have the landlocked TP, and another one is being built there on the right.

Screen 2 - this is disturbing, these houses just are sitting here empty. I never have seen this before. :o

Screen 3 - okay, that's better. I just witnessed something interesting; these houses sat there empty until someone died, then they instantly were occupied. And with couples young enough to have three children. :D

Screen 4 - Notice there's no one on that bridge? Everyone crosses there on the bottom of the lake. You can just make them out down there.


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Temporarily, mon frere, temporarily. ;) Did you see my edit?


yeah. and btw about the bridge, i think it s a bug happening when the bridge is next to a trading post. and if you place it couple of 1x1 away , further, it doesnt happends.

and yeah at least the female are younger :)
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Farms - edit: someone on Reddit who saw this screenshot told me that I needed more barns. He also said that with pop 3250 I should have 2,000,000 food in the bank. Troll.

Screen 2 - when you are trying to expand into a remote area on a big map with high pop, it can be a challenge. The builders can come from anywhere, and may spend all their time commuting. Notice that none of my new farms in this are working. This is a decision I have made, to use the farmers' housing for builders. Nearly all of the houses in this screen have two builders living in them. I am going to continue this policy forward to see how it works down here.


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@RedKetchup Got 342 nomads. Would you take them if you were me, with my housing situation? Got tools, got coats. Food is so-so, but I can always buy more.

I don't need them obviously, but I'd like to have them. But I'm not sure. You have more experience with nomads than I do, LOL  ;D

Edit: I decided not to take them. My housing that's under construction is concentrated in just a couple of spots. I don't want to have whole suburbs of uneducated workers. If they were going to be spread out, that would be different.