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Started by brads3, November 26, 2019, 05:57:55 AM

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         population is at 253,35 has not doubled since we stabalized it 20 years ago.there is a steady flow of graduates and we are behind a few houses.

         the education patch might be improving the outputs of some of the DS industrial buidings. this coud be debatable. workers are sent from the fort with some training. at the same time we do show sporadic outputs of firewood. not all mods have the happiness effect included.the lack of happiness affects laborers and builders, slowing clearing and is hard to say how much it is affecting is a give and take,we gain better outputs of farms but give back on laborers and gain a point but give it back elsewhere or pay a penalty. there is a balance to the madness.  not really cheated since it brings other obstacles.

          we managed to extend the tracks north to the 1st railroad town. it has not been a smoothe 10 years. we have had log shortages.4 forests are working to cut trees. the mine valley has grown adding more DS buildings. the blast furnace is smelting iron ore,a lime kiln and several anvil statues were added. we trade brick and pottery. the traders have been slower at restocking and more workers were sent to help them.

          the fur trapper mod is functioning.we do send some winter coats to the trade posts.with this mod order,we do have a surplus of furs. with the pine mod,our other forest workers are clearing traps.i think the bannies are trapping too much with  the fur trapper and pine mod combined.using 1 trapping mod would be a better balance.

         the goal for the next 10 years is to establish the 1st railroad town and extend the tracks to the edge of the map. then we will take some time to clean up along the tracks back to the start village.  i will use KID's railroad for the 1st town. hopefully we can improve our trading and our food production.

pic 1: stats
pic 2: production
pic 3: inventory
pic 4: fuel graph
pic 5: citizen graph
pic 6: overview of mine valley



         a market is added for the railraod workers.a white swan tavern will make berry cider. even thou we can not make the bannies completely happy,  improvements to speed up the work have to be attempted.

        RK carts will store supplies for constructing the railroad town.

pic 1; small pine market
pic 2: rk carts to haul and store materials
pic 3: whate swan tavern that makes cider,


From brads3
Quote@tuggistar  a i reading correctly that you have the pine mod above RK and can do a genesis start? what trees or terrain did you set that at? i wonder what the cold realism does.i expect it just deals with snow and tempeaturess. do you still have REDs wild animals too?

The list and position of mods as it is written, nothing is changed. Maps are mostly from "Override map" I chose "MountainsLake", Size "Medium map Size", starting condition tried everything from "RK Editor Choice" since it was first.

Animals at least for the first two years were there, then not checking.

I don't know, but it's probably "MegaMod" at the end of the list adding balance to the list.

Mods "Cold realism" is from the site, here is the full description:
Hello again.

This time I decided to make the game harder, but in the same way more realistic. Here comes the mod that makes all the wild growing food: mushrooms, berries, onions, roots and herbs temperature dependent, which means they won't survive when the temperature goes below 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit). Every winter will clean up the map from wild food and herbs. If you are a player who rely on gatherers - this will make the gameplay tougher for you, as it will lower your gatherers' productivity, because of the barren winter.

I noticed that summer and autumn are overflowed with wilds, so these are the seasons that you should focus on gathering most. Playing in a harsh climate (and without any seeds at begin) should be more challenging now.

If you want to try this mod you should consider an option of 'Busy Labourers' by Darkbibou together with. Send your laborers to collect as much wilds as they can before winter.

As always - Enjoy!

The list of mods again here:
The list is now as:
Cold realism
Flax Patch
New Pine Flora
Crystal Cliffs Farm V102
Pine Set V105
Override map
RK Ducks as Livestock (with Feathers)
RK Editor Choice Full
Horse Wagen
Castle Storage v1
Magazine Materials V1
EB Unified Mod
the rest of the Maritimes mods.




         i try to give tidbits of info for new players now and then. maybe everyone fell asleep or are just checking the pics, but at least i try. i'll try to explain the issues with storage. modders have worked to improve this with newer mods. when banished changed to 1.07 and added new flags, markets were set to store all materials. many mods were updated quickly to the new flags. over time,we found this way had issues. with the vendor trying to store everything,they spent less time moving food and needed items for the bannies. while he is running around to get that 1 silver ore or other un-processed materialhe wasn't moving food,clothing,or firewood. newer markets do not store all the flags. the modders have ade changes so fertilizer isn't stored with food and markets store less flags.

          i have some 1.06 mods that change the tags back to the 1.06 flags. in order for the my precious mod to function, it changes gold ore back under the textlie flag limit.i also have 1.06 markets. i have only found a few 1.06 mods that would not work. the vendor would get stuck in a loop. plus i have several early 1.07 mods that do work to store everything.

            even with the older markets,we have so many odd materials that the piles are full.we produced iron for the track rails early and now are way overstocked on iron. while the bannies were making items to build the DS buildings,we overstocked sand and clay. we are storing some items until the train is built.

         to move goods better,more workers have been sent to the markets and trade posts. the clay and sand pits are shut down.the lime kiln is stopped. RK carts will move materials for the railroad the processors catch up and the train gets moving,the goods will move better and the piles will empty out.

      we built houses for the railroad town and extended the tracks.we cut enough trees that we hit the firewood limit and raised it.
pic 1: a look at the storage and market stocks. work piles are gettin full,note the nordic wharehouse is using 1.06 flags,
pic 2: KID railroad town started. cleared land,moved some workers,and extended tracks



     we started construction of the KID RR TOWN. the coal bin moves coal for the train cars to trade. the food car brings in a variety of foods. the 1st will bring in cherries. the material car would bring tools,leather,coats,and ale. since it doesn't bring firewood,it won't be used yet.this will give the coal bin time to stockpile the coal.the coal bin is set to the mineral flag so will store copper and iron ore with the coal. you can see that the station buildings are tight to the train. i didn't want to set them back a full tile. a quarter to half tile space would have been fine.

        the train cars do work as inland traders. similar to the CC native indian trader and the fur inland trader.with some walls or fencing and KID's roof covers,you can build a building around these to hide them. just remember to leave an access space for the bannies and to make adjustments. it can be a handy option to bring food and supplies without waiting on the merchant boats. they can be used to get a steady trade flow without micro-managing the trade posts.

pic 1: coal bin, this will fill with other minerals
pic 2: stations
pic 3:train,note how tight it fits to the stations.



         a 2nd worker is sent to haul coal at the coal bin.we will add more train cars.the coal bin was full before the 2nd food car was completed, thou it did have more iron ore and salt than coal. the 2nd food car will bring in venison.the 4rd will bring corn. the ticket station works as a textile and clothing storage barn. the 2nd material car does bring in firewood,logs,stone, or iron. it will supply us with firewood.

       the 1st food car brought in over 2700 cherries using about 100 coal,so it is quite powerful. the benison pays 8 to 1 coal,corn at 25 to 1,and firewood at 2 to 1.the fruit is 25-30 to 1 coal. even with 4 cars moving coal,we have a  surplus of 1400 coal to last a while.

pic 1: ticket station
pic 2 post office


A little bit of technical progression those cars?
Well, I like it like that :)


hardest part i have is getting the coal to move closer for the train.that is how this map has gone.overproducing iron ore filling the piles.  your railroad town looks good. it does turn into a nice village with the western mods.



        i don't want NILLA to think i neglected the bannies.while the train tracks are being extended, the town grows and adds service buildings. a church,school,jail,doctor and mayor offices,and a cemetary are constructed. the KID railroad town has grown.

pic 1: school,undertaker,and church
pic 2:playground
pic 3: the jail is a happiness building,note how the workers are unloading fro the opposite side of the train cars.i thought i had set them backwards.looking at ABANDONED's pics,that is not the case. it was designed that way.


No @brads3 , the cars are not placed as I intended.
If you turn the cars around you will have the bannies standing on the platform unloading goods.
You can do it either way but I put a note on download page about it.


oh, ok. i wondered about it. i thought you set it opposite on purpose with the mod coding. wasn't sure if the bannies could stand on the platforms and do work off of them. thought it might be a game limitation. if i turned the cars around,i would have a full tile gap between them and the stations. a quarter or half tile gap would look better than how i placed it.

    it works well either way complaint. the railroad town looks good. it does grow into a nice town.


YEAR 45 and 46

         we dug 3 wells. 3 more houses and a barn are completed.brighter verdant grass and shade trees were planted at the playground. a corn crib tavern will make corn whiskey.

      with the coal bin fillig with minerals,the train cars slow down their trading of the coal.i increased foresters for the 2 RK forests including planting the apple trees. vendors are adusted so more work to haul materials to the RK carts.we need more iron for the tracks and coal hauled.

      we plant 2 fields of corn to supply the corn crib. a beekeeper will supply honey for a jam house. east of the tracks,2 cottages and a pasture are added.

      the railroad town does show some happy bannies.with modded pieces, it was a surprise to see so much payoff here. the happiness is very dependent on getting ale or whiskey nearby their houses.

      we dug out all the marble. the quarry wil need upgraded and rebuilt. 

pic 1: playground grass and shade trees
pic 2: jam house
pic 3: corn crib tavern
pic 4: east cottages
pic 5: bannies near the corn crib show happiness.south of the post office do not



         the extra forester helped plant the apple trees. to let them grow,only 2 will be sent to cut there. i looked for the 1000 coal. there is about 100 stored in several places, but i have not located a huge stockpile of is quite scattered around the map.nobody has hoarded it.  the train has slowed to producing 2500 food and 100 firewood.

       we build 2 pastures and a barn near the cottages. we worked to clear brush and extend the tracks toward the map edge.

          we can make the fittings to connect the train cars and produce lumber for them. as this map grows can it build train cars for the railroad? i may leave that for another map. it is a neat option that the modders have gave us.

pic 1: pastures
pic 2: extended tracks


Hi, Happy New Year @brads3   :)  You are using the Railway station textures that Kid made to go best with Wild West - you railway town looks very nice.  You did place the railway cars facing the wrong way, they are meant to be unloaded onto the platforms but it is the cars themselves that do the trading so will work just as well without any station buildings at all.

The coal bin is very handy to bring coal closer to the train.  If you are having problem with unneeded iron ore or other resources being brought to coal bin taking up space -try building a freight car or 2.  The freight car acts like a warehouse - those unneeded items would be removed from coal bin and stored in freight car.  The freight car would not have to be built at the station or as part of the main train - it could be parked on a separate track.  Hope that will help  :)