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Cosacks semi-retired

Started by Bobbi, October 18, 2014, 03:14:49 PM

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They apparently allow eight people to live there instead of five.  They cost slightly more to heat and hold a few more supplies (1100 versus 1000).  I think they were trying to allow you to build a road to the door, through the yard, but it doesn't look all that good compared to the walkway in the graphics.  At least, it didn't to me.


Eight people? Two families, or two adults and six children (which would never happen)?


One family, eight people.

ResidenceDescription residence
int _maxApartments = 1;
int _maxOccupants = 8;
float _temperatureForFuel = 50.0;
float _fuelPerResource = 80.0;

Denis de la Rive

Currently testing, (with the latest update of CC1620) and everything is working well. Two comments:

1) the small fountain and sun dial leave a construction shadow when complete, but paving over cleans that up.

2) Still think herbs might not be the right choice for the hedges, maybe you could incorporate Red's greenhouse and seedlings, since BlackLiquid has gone in a different direction.  ;)

Thanks for "keep'en m'a barrels".

As for the stone house, I have never noticed a higher number of people living in them, some has suggested that it has the same problem as all attempts to increase the number of families in a building; it acts like a boarding house, people move out as soon as an empty house is available. The road pats could also be an attempt to get the villagers to appear at the door inside the walled enclosure, I have seen this.

About your other mods, they also work very well with the new CC1620, but I did have to change the load order of the Tavern to after your other two buildings, I was getting the building meshes in preview, but no textures. Learning the lingo, I hope.

And for fun, here is an accident I had with the stone houses and one of Red's creations.

Thank you for this very good first slice.  :)

Just saw the code, dose it work?


Quote from: slink on November 01, 2014, 06:31:51 PM
One family, eight people.

ResidenceDescription residence
int _maxApartments = 1;
int _maxOccupants = 8;
float _temperatureForFuel = 50.0;
float _fuelPerResource = 80.0;

Pointless. Unless it's really, really pretty! :D


I have a problem with using seedlings because they count against logs.  Herbs are not that difficult to acquire, are they?  I maybe could reduce the number required.

The "stone" house doesn't bring in more than one family, but allows one couple to have six children.  I almost don't like even allowing four children because of the surges in population that are caused.  Six does seem absurd.

I put the word "stone" above in quotes because it does not look like it is made of stone.   ;)

People can walk into a mesh without there being road marks.  The hospital is an example of this.  Tomorrow I will go over it all again.


Quote from: Denis de la Rive on November 01, 2014, 06:35:02 PM
About your other mods, they also work very well with the new CC1620, but I did have to change the load order of the Tavern to after your other two buildings, I was getting the building meshes in preview, but no textures. Learning the lingo, I hope.

whats up with tavern ? why the tavern has been modified and put inside these 2 mods ? what they do ?
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Quote from: RedKetchup on November 01, 2014, 09:43:46 PM
Quote from: Denis de la Rive on November 01, 2014, 06:35:02 PM
About your other mods, they also work very well with the new CC1620, but I did have to change the load order of the Tavern to after your other two buildings, I was getting the building meshes in preview, but no textures. Learning the lingo, I hope.

whats up with tavern ? why the tavern has been modified and put inside these 2 mods ? what they do ?
As far as I know my tavern has not been changed and/or put anyplace.  And I am not sure why Denis de la Rive had to load it that way.



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Denis de la Rive

Small is nice, will save space.

The herb cost should be lower, it can pile up in a large project, see the images.

As for the Tavern, just one of those strange things, like the warehouse boats getting stuck under bridges or ending up embedded in the river bank. There is still so much we don't understand about the code in this game.  :)


Thank you for working on all this @slink. And now not only are you an expert, but we get a picture, too! I'm not sure I can cope with all this change . . . .

I use the "Medium Stone Houses" (which do seem to be made mostly of wood) to represent the "upper crust" of the community--they look more like rich people's houses than any of the other houses. I'll put maybe four or five in a whole settlement. I usually site one as the mayor's official residence near the town hall. This is all in my own mind, of course. As with every house people move in willy-nilly.

I'm not sure that seedlings count against the log total. They use the same max, but in my games the nurserymen often ignore the max and go on planting seedlings no matter how many there are--which seems to have no effect on how many logs are produced.

Denis de la Rive

My in-house addict produces "enormous" quantities of the stuff for trading , and if I remember they do count in the same limit, could be wrong. Since BlackLiquid issued the parts of Red's creations they are not using as stand alone unsupported mods, I will check in my latest village.  :)

I also like the stone house as an alternative to breakup the excessive gird pattern that can happen in this game.

Denis de la Rive

Well here is an image that answers the question concerning seedlings, and also of the fountain shadow I mentioned, it is not a problem as I see it they simply call to be  covered up, I will try the lawn on the next one and see.  :)
