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I need a lawn

Started by irrelevant, October 26, 2014, 05:45:53 PM

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Quote from: Bobbi on October 30, 2014, 09:10:00 AM
Or try @RedKetchup's suggestion above

About removing everything but the food limit?  I don't think that will create grass.   :)

Quote from: Denis de la Rive on October 30, 2014, 08:52:14 AM
I think that could explain why it seems to be transparent, that would also explain why it dose not cover the darker soil left by flattening mod. You could try the pasture texture to see if it will change the results, I'm will to test.  :)

But this helped.  I was calling the wrong rsc file.  The rsc file I needed didn't exist, so I had to write one.  Here are two versions.


So you think this will now cover the discolored areas from the flattening tool? I will try it out later tonight (much later, unfortunately).


I do believe it will.  *anticipatory grin*


Slink... this version does the trick!  I have tested it and seems to work well.  Could you adjust the size that it could be as small as 1x1???  It would make a huge difference in those tiny little spots that need to be filled in!  Now, if we could only incorporate some type of magic like Red did with those two story houses so that a single plop of grass could overlay several squares of terrain, while keep them open to plop trees would be awesome!!!



Yup, it works.  1.1 uploading in a moment.

It looks kind of funny if you put a lot of 1x1 in a square area, but you can do it.


Slink... thanks... I don't plan on putting a lot of 1x1's down... just need to fill in those little brown spots that are scattered around.  Just too bad we can put anything on top of the grass now.   ::)


Maybe not 1x1's, but I certainly can see 1xmany being useful. Like a grassy lane (that nothing grows up through).


@bubbamcgee, you need trees with those little mulched stone wells around them.   :)


@slink Yes, that would be nice as well.  I wonder if @RedKetchup would be willing to tinker around a bit with his 2 story house technology to see if he could create a decorative mod that would put a grass base down and then overlay his fountains, benches, or even trees.  This would really take things to a new level with beautification of our towns. 

Denis de la Rive

Going to try it later today, this is perfect for when you have something in range of a forester you want to keep clear of trees, like my fenced park around a hospital. I knew you would solve it.  :)

Edit: Tried it works great, since an image is worth 1000 words, here are four.  I used them in an existing town so no problems in that area. ;)

PS: If you are going to edit the fountain mod which I have used extensively, I could PM you my suggestion, tell me if you want me to.


You can post your suggestion here, or send it privately, whichever you like.  My idea would be to separate the elements into sensible sections, with none named the same so they won't conflict with previous installations.

Edit: Or is that exactly wrong?  Should I leave them the same so people can back out the main mod and only keep parts?  But then empty buttons would remain in the toolbar.


I just tried it out, @slink. Works like a charm! Looks beautiful.  ;D


Quote from: slink on October 30, 2014, 03:47:02 PM
You can post your suggestion here, or send it privately, whichever you like.  My idea would be to separate the elements into sensible sections, with none named the same so they won't conflict with previous installations.

Edit: Or is that exactly wrong?  Should I leave them the same so people can back out the main mod and only keep parts?  But then empty buttons would remain in the toolbar.

I would prefer the former. The toolbar is getting pretty full, so empty buttons are, I think, not optimal. One of my personal issues with the current state of Fountain Lite is that the menu unfolds to four levels when you are building hedges and that interferes with where I like to put my summary and minimap windows. @RedKetchup's Decorative Items unfolds to three levels and that works OK. Odd things sometimes happen when one window that you can click on for an action (like building) is on top of another.

That's just my opinion, of course.