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irrelevant: Frenchman's Bend: trying for a soft landing

Started by irrelevant, November 11, 2014, 05:21:36 PM

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Quote from: salamander on November 19, 2014, 04:07:15 AM
For selfish reasons, I'd rather see you back up to the autosave and continue the population experiment.  :D  You could always save your tornado'd town and come back later just for the fun of recovering it.
@salamander That's a good idea! I think this is what I'll do. Thanks!


Quote from: Nilla on November 19, 2014, 02:48:27 AM
It is quite interesting to recover and rebuild after a disaster, but in this case it seems like there was no real disaster, just a minor disturbance. I don't know how much it will interfere on this experiment, to go on from the last save, rebuild what was lost and than go on. But if you think it would and have to choose, your 2-house-experiment might be more interesting.

And by the way; I don't think you didn't get off incredibly easy. From my experience with tornadoes, this was pretty average. From the tornadoes I had, I only remember one, that was real bad, several 100 dead and an influence on the game. The rest was like yours, or less. (In my big dens settlements I played with disasters off)
@Nilla I've only had one other tornado, in my first town while it was still under 100 pop; totally devastated the place, killed over half of my guys, leveled so many structures that I didn't even make a save of it. It was totally beyond my ability even to think how to start recovering. I reverted to the autosave, and never again played with disasters on until this town.

I guess we only read about the really bad ones, that's why I considered this to be getting off easy.


Quote from: RedKetchup on November 18, 2014, 10:40:19 PM
Quote from: irrelevant on November 18, 2014, 06:00:55 PM
Deluxe duplex Hunters' Cabin  :D

nice, i never thought about that when i designed it ^^
@RedKetchup glad you like it   :) Nice to see you in here taking a break from Warcraft  ;D


oh i come to see the replays 2 times a day.

when i get up.... and when i go down ^^ ( sleep)
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And a fire! Fortunately next to the river. Lost just the one house.

I credit not only the proximity to water but also the fact that I had 18 laborers at the time. I also shut down the nearby producers and added them to the firefighters.

Students and children as young as 6, 4, and 3 also were fighting the fire.

Thanks to @Nilla for prompting me to provide easy access to the water.

Interesting, this is the autosaved game from just before the tornado. Both tornado and fire occurred in summer 27. The occurrence of a disaster must get baked in earlier, and then the type of disaster is rolled for when it pops up.

Or not  ;D


You don't have to resign other occupations any more. I have seen all kind of professions fighting fire. At the beginning only free laborers close to the fire helped, now everyone does, as you saw it, also children.


Quote from: Nilla on November 19, 2014, 05:10:59 PM
You don't have to resign other occupations any more. I have seen all kind of professions fighting fire. At the beginning only free laborers close to the fire helped, now everyone does, as you saw it, also children.
Good to know.


Late Winter 29 - pop 198

Getting ready for some development in Hedgeville.

Oldtown, and vital statistics

This production panel makes me really happy.


@irrelevant; I know a challange for you, where you would have big trouble:

Build a settlement where to no time, the stores are bigger than 1 year production! ;)


Maybe this is a good demonstration of firesfighting and wells.

I just had a fire, probably the one with the baddest consequences since the "fire upgrade". As I always say; this game has a soul. I just noticed that I had forgotten to build a well in this new, remote farming area. Put the footprint of the church and the well, went to the tradingport, where a boat just docked, and bong..... a fire.....

It started at the barn I've marked. The closest well is also marked, not so far away, but as there are not so many people in this area, the fire spread. The firefighters were mostly farmers and builders (those people who happened to be in that area). You may see that the planting is a bit late. Almost (!?) all farmers were elsewhere, trying to put out the fire. What I do not understand, is that there were still a few that didn't care about their burning homes. They just went on planting beans !?


Ouch! Nasty. First thing I do this evening, is build a well in my expansion area  :o

Quote from: Nilla on November 20, 2014, 02:05:56 AM
@irrelevant; I know a challange for you, where you would have big trouble:

Build a settlement where to no time, the stores are bigger than 1 year production! ;) barns!  ;) You're right, that would be a challenge.

I had less than a year's worth of food when I was at pop 6000, does that count? ;)


That counts if you had it all the time. But I know you hadn´t. Just a few years at the end of the game.  :P


@Nilla I'm not sure my beancounter training would allow me to take your challenge  ;)

Year 31 - Crop sampler in Hedgeville.

Oh dear, there I go again, making neat grids; somebody stop me! ::)

Moving the stockpiles

Pop increase is slowing


Quote from: irrelevant on November 20, 2014, 07:27:43 PM
@Nilla I'm not sure my beancounter training would allow me to take your challenge  ;)

Yes @irrelevant, we are so dependent on our personality, and training, also as we play these games. And I suppuse you would be quite stressed if you tried to make it different. So, to be honest, I don't think you should go for that challenge.

Quote from: irrelevant on November 20, 2014, 07:27:43 PM

Oh dear, there I go again, making neat grids; somebody stop me! ::)

But look at your picture, I have marked some fields. Sometimes you may stop yourself ;)
The second field is two rows longer than the first, and the third field only one row longer than the second. That's not really you building, is it?

One question; I think I see some brown catttle. You said at the start, that you use RK creamery but in my version, the cows are black and white. Can you have both? I haven´t seen that. Or do you not use that mod? Or maybe an earlier/later version?


Quote from: Nilla on November 21, 2014, 02:17:56 AM
The second field is two rows longer than the first, and the third field only one row longer than the second. That's not really you building, is it?
That's really disturbing.  @irrelevant's turning into a rebel.  ;)