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Searching an English to German translator person :)

Started by RedKetchup, March 16, 2015, 07:20:18 AM

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   String _name = "Bobbi Special DoctorHouse";
   String _description = "This mod delete the happiness resource generated from hospitals.";

no need of any .txt , these 2 lines are the only sentences to be translate :)
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last one , a big one :)

   String _name = "Decorative Items Pack";
   String _description = "This mod adds Decorative items to the game.";

in the txt file in attachment : only do right column.
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is somebody translating this now? if not i will do it now. do you want it as private message?


Quote from: Trizeropz on March 20, 2015, 02:39:03 PM
is somebody translating this now? if not i will do it now. do you want it as private message?

i just posted them, 5 mins ago. nobody said anything so far. if you want to do one... just reply about you are taking this one, and post back the results + the 2 sentences i've put (they need to be translate too). you can post or you can send in PM , up to you.

just try to let other people know which one you are doing, so you dont overlap your work.
you can also quote the english original one.
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Okay, but i see other times stamps cause of the other time zone here in germany. so I do not know when that was.

String _name = "Jamie's Monastery";
String _description = "On a special request, this mod adds a monastery, a very big addition to the church building.";

String _name = "Jamie's Kloster";
String _description = "Auf besonderen Wunsch: diese Mod fügt ein Kloster als große Ergänzung der Kirche hinzu.";

StringTable resource
   Entry _strings
      { String _name = "Monastery";            String _text = "Kloster"; }
      { String _name = "MonasteryLwr";            String _text = "kloster"; }
      { String _name = "MonasteryTip";            String _text = "Ein Kloster stellt Bücher her."; }
      { String _name = "Book";               String _text = "Buch"; }

      { String _name = "ProfessionMonk";         String _text = "Mönch"; }
      { String _name = "ProfessionMonkTip";         String _text = "Der Mönch betreibt ein Kloster und erstellt Bücher für die Einwohner."; }
      { String _name = "ProfessionMonkDeath";      String _text = "'name' der Mönch ist eines unerwarteten Todes gestorben!"; }
      { String _name = "BookRequire";            String _text = "Buch [Kohle + Holz + Leder]"; }


i am doin this next 3 posts now:

   String _name = "Steph's Grain Silos";
   String _description = "On a special request, this mod adds a grain silo to the game.";

   String _name = "Dairy Milk and Creamery";
   String _description = "This mod adds milk to cattle, a creamery building and a dairyman profession.";

   String _name = "Adriana's Library";
   String _description = "On a special request, this mod adds a library and a librarian profession to the game.";


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   String _name = "Steph's Getreidesilos";
   String _description = "Auf besonderen Wunsch: diese Mod fügt dem Spiel ein Getreidesilo hinzu.";

StringTable resource
   Entry _strings
      { String _name = "NMGrainSilo";                  String _text = "Neues mittelalterliches Getreidesilo"; }
      { String _name = "NMGrainSiloLwr";               String _text = "neues mittelalterliches getreidesilo"; }
      { String _name = "NMGrainSiloTip";               String _text = "Ein Getreidesilo dient ausschließlich zur Lagerung von Getreide."; }

      { String _name = "NMCoalSilo";                  String _text = "Neues mittelalterliches Kohlesilo"; }
      { String _name = "NMCoalSiloLwr";               String _text = "neues mittelalterliches kohlesilo"; }
      { String _name = "NMCoalSiloTip";               String _text = "Ein Kohlesilo dient ausschließlich zur Lagerung von Kohle."; }



   String _name = "Adriana's Bibliothek";
   String _description = "Auf besonderen Wunsch: diese Mod fügt dem Spiel eine Bibliothek und einen Bibliothekar Beruf hinzu.";

StringTable resource
   Entry _strings
      { String _name = "Library";               String _text = "Bibliothek"; }
      { String _name = "LibraryLwr";               String _text = "bibliothek"; }
      { String _name = "LibraryTip";               String _text = "Eine Bibliothek bietet einen Ort zum Lesen und sorgt für Zufriedenheit."; }

      { String _name = "ProfessionLibrarian";            String _text = "Bibliothekar"; }
      { String _name = "ProfessionLibrarianTip";         String _text = "bibliothekar betreiben Bibliotheken und bieten den Bewohnern Bücher zum Lesen an."; }
      { String _name = "ProfessionLibrarianDeath";         String _text = "wurde durch ein umfallendes Bücherregal getötet."; }


StringTable gameDialogs
   Entry _strings
      { String _name = "LibraryCount";            String _text = "@0 Mitglieder"; }
      { String _name = "EnableLibraryTip";            String _text = "Aktiviere oder deaktiviere den Zugriff auf Bücher in dieser Bibliothek."; }
      { String _name = "EnableLibrarianTip";            String _text = "Aktiviere oder deaktiviere die Benutzung dieser Bibliothek."; }


   String _name = "Molkerei und Käserei";
   String _description = "Diese Mod fügt Milch vom Rind, ein Molkereigebäude und einen Molkerei Beruf hinzu.";

StringTable resource
   Entry _strings
      { String _name = "Creamery";               String _text = "Molkerei"; }
      { String _name = "CreameryLwr";               String _text = "molkerei"; }
      { String _name = "CreameryTip";               String _text = "Eine Molkerei wird gebraucht um Joghurt, Sahne und Käse aus Milch herzustellen."; }

      { String _name = "ProfessionDairyman";            String _text = "Melker"; }
      { String _name = "ProfessionDairymanTip";         String _text = "Ein Melker bringt milch zu einer Molkerei und produziert daraus Joghurt, Sahne und Käse."; }
      { String _name = "ProfessionDairymanDeath";         String _text = "hat vergammelte Milch getrunken und ist daran gestorben."; }

      { String _name = "Yogurt";               String _text = "Joghurt"; }
      { String _name = "Cream";               String _text = "Sahne"; }
      { String _name = "Cheese";               String _text = "Käse"; }
      { String _name = "Milk";               String _text = "Milch"; }

      { String _name = "CheeseRequire";            String _text = "Käse [Milch]"; }
      { String _name = "CreamRequire";            String _text = "Sahne [Milch]"; }
      { String _name = "YogurtRequire";            String _text = "Joghurt [Milch + Beeren]"; }


i´ll do these 3 now:

   String _name = "Little Chapel";
   String _description = "This mod adds a modest little chapel to the game.";

   String _name = "Colorful Little Houses";
   String _description = "This mod adds mor colorful little houses.";

   String _name = "Pangaea's Root Cellars";
   String _description = "On a special request, this mod adds a root cellar to the game.";


hehe you are running fast ! i have hard to keep it up ^^ hehe

BIG THANKS for your incredible help !
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  String _name = "Kleine Kirche";
  String _description = "Diese Mod fügt dem Spiel eine bescheidene kleine Kirche hinzu";

StringTable resource
   Entry _strings
      { String _name = "LittleChapel";               String _text = "Kleine Kirche"; }
      { String _name = "LittleChapelLwr";               String _text = "kleine kirche"; }
      { String _name = "LittleChapelTip";               String _text = "Die kleine Kirche ist für die gläubigen Bewohner."; }



   String _name = "Kleine bunte Häuser";
   String _description = "Diese Mod fügt kleine bunte Häuser hinzu.";

StringTable resource
   Entry _strings
      { String _name = "LittleHouse";               String _text = "Kleines Haus"; }
      { String _name = "LittleHouseLwr";            String _text = "kleines haus"; }
      { String _name = "LittleHouseTip";            String _text = "Ein kleines Haus dient zur Unterkunft deiner Bewohner."; }


StringTable gameDialogs
   Entry _strings

      { String _name = "Details";               String _text = "Informationen"; }
      { String _name = "Occupants";               String _text = "Bewohner"; }
      { String _name = "Inventory";               String _text = "Bestand"; }


   String _name = "Pangaea's Gemüsekeller";
   String _description = "Auf besonderen Wunsch: diese Mod fügt dem Spiel einen Gemüsekeller hinzu.";

StringTable resource
   Entry _strings
      { String _name = "RootCellar";                  String _text = "Gemüsekeller"; }
      { String _name = "RootCellarLwr";               String _text = "gemüsekeller"; }
      { String _name = "RootCellarTip";               String _text = "Ein Gemüsekeller dient zur Lagerung von Gemüse oder Früchten."; }
