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Technical questions

Started by assobanana76, May 14, 2015, 04:01:58 AM

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Hmm. So it's bound to the buildings themselves. That's no good then. I always thought it was the items consumed/used that gave those effects.
There's never enough deco stuff!!!
Fiat panis.

Tom Sawyer

It is possible to remove the effect of health or alcohol. Just by replacing the flags in the rawmaterial.rsc... Do you have a certain idea behind this question @Gatherer ?


Removing health from herbs (revalued to 1 trade value) and using these "new herbs" + a new type of alcohol (ethanol) to produce medicine (with health effect). It would make early game a bit more difficult because you would need a production chain to get health.

I'm sure Nilla would love even more difficult start.
There's never enough deco stuff!!!
Fiat panis.

Tom Sawyer

Nilla will get Swedenbitters (if she wants^^). This stuff I have on my list a long time but not on top. Its the same idea like yours. To gather more than one materials in different locations and produce a medicine. The ingredients have to be flagged as pure vegetables for example and the new medicine as health. Same with alcohol. If this stuff has no alcohol flag nobody will drink it.


Any idea why the game sometimes crashes when saving? I click the Save button and the guy hammering away will stop moving, at which point I know the game has crashed. Sometimes there is a crash report and error message, and sometimes not. Naturally this is pretty frustrating, and I almost have my heart in my throat when saving. Sometimes there is a similar issue when loading the game.

Anything that can be done about this? I am on Linux, so that may play a part, but I remember this could happen back in the Windows days too, so maybe it's a game issue.

The picture below doesn't necessarily show anything weird, given it's static, but it shows what I mean. That guy stops moving, and the game becomes unresponsive. During loading in this case, but it happens more frequently when saving.


Believe it or not; Schwedenbitter (at least what's called like that in Bavaria) is unknown in Sweden.  ;D

Many things in Germany, that's said to be from/typical ... Swedish are rumors as old as the 30 year war, as the Swedes were pillaging Europe (1600 someting). It's funny to study.

I´m not a big fan of production chains in Banished. There are other games, that makes that better and I find the simplicity of Banished is the special thing, that I like to be preserved, even if I do like difficulties. That´s the reason I haven´t played the CC mod a lot.

If production chains, than only if it really makes sense; you can´t get health withoyt making this potion. Than it might be OK with a few products of this kind.


PANG u dont have any mods yet conflicting do u??i would say if u did b4 n turned them off then your regeddit file may b searching for a mod u aint using.unless u is under stream,in that case good luck.i hear bad things bout it taking control. b glad if when it kicked u out , the comp doesnt reset your mod i had that happen n it can b fun to reset them all. start a game n later find out it had items missing so u cant build some building chains.

Tom Sawyer

Ok, then Schwedenbitter only to sell it as quacks to rich German tourists.^^


Brad, I'd appreciate if you didn't use text speak. It's harder to read :(

I'm not running any mods at all right now actually, and when I did (in the past) I never had any conflicts. So the cause of the crashing is something else. Either it's because I'm running the game on Linux, but since this happened on Windows too, I think it may have something to do with the game itself. Thankfully it doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen frequently enough to make me nervous every time I go to manually save the game.