BETA : New Medieval Castle : Beta v 0.2a - with Moats and Canals (0.2a bugfix)

Started by RedKetchup, May 23, 2015, 07:36:11 AM

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gonna go return to play Civ V lol

but before i want to mention :

1: sorry to not work on these all day, lately  :-\ but....
2: i did test a double width canal, thats huge ! at 8 tiles width it is very big. the main river has 10 tiles width and with the walls, it appears to be as large as the river.
3: i gonna test some time soon a 6 width canal instead and see it can be a compromised between the actual 4 tiles width canal ... and a bigger like main river. will give you screenshots when done :)
4: i will also see if @kralyerg  would agree to give me his stone texture they use in CC so it can perfectly match with their mod (if not, i can maybe try some other textures i have to see it can be a better fit between the 2 mods :)
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test completed!  will start making dinner now @ 9.15 pm :D
Works like a charm, even in safe game. of course i had no canal bridge now. but like you said : remove, flatten and replace should work :)

Quote from: RedKetchup on May 27, 2015, 11:53:37 AM
gonna go return to play Civ V lol
Enjoy! you earned it :P

Quote from: RedKetchup on May 27, 2015, 11:53:37 AM
but before i want to mention :

1: sorry to not work on these all day, lately  :-\ but....
2: i did test a double width canal, thats huge ! at 8 tiles width it is very big. the main river has 10 tiles width and with the walls, it appears to be as large as the river.
3: i gonna test some time soon a 6 width canal instead and see it can be a compromised between the actual 4 tiles width canal ... and a bigger like main river. will give you screenshots when done :)
4: i will also see if @kralyerg  would agree to give me his stone texture they use in CC so it can perfectly match with their mod (if not, i can maybe try some other textures i have to see it can be a better fit between the 2 mods :)
1: hey, it's free ... we can't complain ;)

2: for me and i guess many others that wouldn't be a problem

3: what about making the 'water' in the canal the same texture/color as in the moat that can work as a filler piece :
    have 2 pieces ( left / right )  and let us fill the width with a filler piece. result a canal as small / wide as possible.
    don't know if it's possible, but might save you a lot of work in the future, i guess.

   so a left canal / right canal piece.. and filler.  i think thats about all it takes, like this you can even make 3/4 way,
   without needing extra pieces.. ( hmm maybe inside and outside corner, but that's it. )
   Err.. brainfart!  1 'quay/canal' piece (since you can rotate! ), a water filler piece, inside corner, outside corner.

   the dock, fishing dock and trade port  only have the 'road side'  canal piece.. other side would be the single left/right.
   the bridge could stay the same.. as you can  double them  (and make a small 'center island' in between)

4: that would be nice for the CC players :D  i did see some nice buildings in the latest CC release
    which would fit dock/quay/canal (quay barn ? )
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Last night I twice placed the trading dock on a creek and each time the timber deck was below the water.
I recall you were having the same problem in the earlier stages of mod development.
Is anyone else having the same problem?

I'm glad you sorted out the problem with the bridge as I had noticed the same thing.

I note your comments about the quarry/water bug and wonder if the coding that creates the excavation in the quarry can be duplicated for the hole created by the canal?


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by the way, talking about 'compatible' stone textures..
what about this one.. mr Flopsie's stone bridge : it's lovely and quite fitting for medieval setting
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Quote from: RedKetchup on May 27, 2015, 11:40:05 AM
BETA 0.2a is UP !!!!!

bugfix 0.2a : Fixed the canal bridge that bugged the merchants and made them 2 tiles width to allow both, citizens and merchants, to pass through.
also fixed the decorative dock : it has now its own icon.


BTW i made another test : i used Window7 to make the .zip (not winrar) so maybe you all be good to download it. we will see if it fixed also this problem
I do not know why but I can not download !
I tried both winzip winrar with that .. but nothing .. says that the archive is damaged . where I can find the file .pkm ? you've uploaded a file on your profile .pkm Google Drive ?
if you find grammatical errors have to be angry with GoogleTranslate! however, I am studying!!


Quote from: Glenn on May 27, 2015, 05:51:21 PM
Last night I twice placed the trading dock on a creek and each time the timber deck was below the water.
I recall you were having the same problem in the earlier stages of mod development.
Is anyone else having the same problem?
no don't have the same problem.. but i see what you mean now.. 
the New Medieval Castle Trading Post is not supposed to be placed on creek, river or lake, but on a canal.
when building it, it will dig out the canal, which fits the rest of the canal pieces.

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oh ya, sorry i totally missed half of your post @Glenn , sorry

the trading post is made to be placed on a canal, not on the river or a lake.
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@RedKetchup, you asked us awhile back for testing and feedback. I'm late because the map I ended up with had the lake in the far upper left-hand corner and it took me until yesterday to get the population and infrastructure to build and support the canal and facilities. Everything worked like it should. There was only one graphical glitch and one sort of funny characteristic.

First the glitch: As the first picture shows, building the non-fishing dock messed with the border. It's border was OK, but in the subsequent straight section the border started disappearing and then disappeared altogether. I didn't try to build one on the near side, so I don't know whether it would have been the same there.

Now the comic: Everyone who walks across the bridge does a little back and forth squiggle across the bridge. I first noticed this as a band of nomads crossed the bridge coming into town and then watched and everybody did the same little dance. The enter the bridge to the left, then move to the right by the middle, then back to the left to exit. People coming the opposite way do the same as they face the bridge so you get a nice interlocking spiral effect. The picture is of a later band of nomads leaving town after I refused them. I'll have to look on other two-wide bridges and see whether the same thing happens. Don't fix it--it is quite entertaining.

Thanks again for your work. The canal opens up huge possibilities for placing trading posts.


the graphical 'glitch' can be corrected by leveling the area.. in your case the missing quay.

the funny walk is the solution of a problem we had with the bridge. the merchant couldn't get passed the bridge.
by having the bannies walk funny it all works :D
this can be read 1 or 2 pages back.. and i agree :  it's a funny walk, don't change it!
i didn't notice any speed difference either with straight or zig-zagging.
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1st : the glitch you talk is not cause the dock but the ground itself. i cannot ask the canal to level the groud to 0 because we are making a hole in the ground. (if it makes sense)
since you didnt noticed, and probably many people, you can, and it is even better, to build a road (dirt or stone) on top of these canal walls :) even if you didnt see any green arrow when you built them, you can still build your road ontop (under) the stones :)
that way you dont lose any space to build a road 'next' to it :)
abd that way you will also level up(or down) your ground to 0 level :)

2nd: the zigzag dance on the bridge are expected. that was the cost to pay to allow the boat merchant to pass under. (as @chillzz  said ^^)
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I was trying to recreate the image I saw in reply 19 which has a trading post on a creek with canal linking it to the river.
I will have another go today as I am house minding this weekend -- it's 9.15 am Sunday Australian east coast time.


you can use the canals to connect a river with a lake, but if you put a TP on the lake, you need to take the original one :)
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Idle Work Team

Hi Mr.Redketchup, I'm so excited to see the mod's updating. I really enjoyed it. If you don't mind I would like to make a mod to translate it into Chinese and introduce it to my Chinese friends, but it seems that I need  "NMCastleStringTable.rsc" to make it. Could you give me a copy of that file? I would be appreciate for your help.