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Always greener on the other side

Started by Voeille, June 06, 2022, 07:20:11 PM

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Will it be done and ready soon? I can hardly wait to use it!

REMEMBER: In games like Oblivion, Skyrim, Banished, etc, there IS NO WRONG WAY TO PLAY!!


I'm glad you like it! It's now available here:;sa=view;down=654

I will also upload it to Nexus Mods and Steam Workshop later. Available now: Steam Workshop | Nexus Mods

Original lush & green is usable, but I did intend this version to be its successor, as it's very similar, but provides more detail and higher resolution textures. I anted to try 4K, however it appears to be too much to build the mod file — and 2K is enough anyway, for the zoom level available in the game.


Hi again Voeille,

Would you mind renaming the RKEC version so we can load both into the WinData folder? This way when using ModMan we can choose which version needs to load based on whether or not we are also using RKEC for a current game.
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


Does renaming the .pkm file not work? I did a quick test and it worked for me, I could switch between the two even mid-game.


Okay, I'll try renaming it.

A month or so back I asked if we could rename .pkms to our liking but someone said that doing so can break the mod. If you say renaming it will work, that's what I will do. Thank you.
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


I think this depends what the mod does. Mine is just a simple replacer for vanilla textures and it doesn't add anything new. I tried renaming CC, for example, and while the menu music was working, none of its buildings appeared. So my guess would be that name doesn't matter if a mod only uses vanilla .rsc files, but if it adds anything new, then it can't be renamed. But again, this just a guess based on what I saw in the game and there might be more to it.

On a side note, thanks for mentioning ModMan, I searched for it and downloaded it and now I'm not going back to the in-game mod menu, spending ages moving mods using the little arrows is extremely tedious, but with this I can order mods very easily and switch them on/off as needed (example load order). I was rather disappointed when I found out that MO2 (a mod manager I use for Skyrim) doesn't support Banished, and while ModMan doesn't let you store mods outside of the game folder like MO2, it's not really a problem for Banished as the mods are packaged files and they don't create such a mess like loose file mods for Skyrim can do if you have many. I remember I had to spend around a month finding what belongs to which mod when I was switching from manually handling mods to MO2, but it was definitely worth it and made everything tidier and easier. But I digress.


WAIT!  Voeille!

Your screenshot of your ModMan shows "separators" between mods! I've been wanting that function ever since I started using ModMan. How did you do that?

If I were to guess, you just took any .PKM file and just renamed it....making numerous "dummy" pkms, am I right? I don't know why I never thought of that before.

You're awesome! Thanks.

EDIT: I just tried that and it worked! I never thought to do that before. I am very happy now thanks again to you.
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


is that your actual mod order? override mods load after the main start mods? i'd be surprised that would work. i am curious cause it looks backwards.


Out of curiosity, what mod manager are you using? I've seen people talk about them here, but never a link to one.


Hmmm, attachment not found. Guess it got eaten by the last forums hiccup.


Glad I could help! It is exactly as you say, just dummy files. I created empty 0KB text files and changed the file extension to .pkm so they show up in ModMan (in the game too), and I can move them around. I always liked the separators in MO2 so having at least a workaround for that in ModMan is handy and makes the list more readable — just need to make sure to not accidentally enable them as they aren't mods and it should be all good.

It is my actual load order and, while certainly not an ideal one, it does work. I can explain why I ordered some mods in that way. I wanted the New Flora flax to work with CC and other mods that use flax, so flax patch is at the top to make sure all mods that use CC flax also work with New Flora. Mods after that either override vanilla but conflict with others so I wanted them to take precedence, or override mod items as well so I placed them at the top. Improved mine is required by some DS mods, so I load it before those. I wanted DS Jetty & Bridge, Lumber Mill and Oil Mill above other mods that use lumber, glass and roof tiles because I prefer DS stockpile models for those. I then also put other DS mods there for consistency, in which case it also made sense to put standalone mods by other authors there, in no particular order. The overhaul overrides section specifically overrides CC or RKEC, but they don't need to be above other mods (for the RKEC version of the load order, I would move the RKEC version of my grass replacement there, and disable standalone RK mods as they are included in RKEC). Now, you might notice that Busy Laborers is there instead of in the old mods section. This is because it's required if I want labourers to be able to collect ancient roots and mushrooms from the Beautiful World mod. Beautiful Worlds takes precendece over RKEC and CC because it is the only mod that adds mountain trees, and I cannot stand barren mountains. However, I will be switching it on/off — if I want to play with a flat map, then I don't have mountains so I can disable Beautiful World and get RKEC animals. The next section of mods either depends on CC or RKEC, or needs to be overwriten by them. For example, Kid's Fairy Tale is there instead of near his other mods because it adds starting conditions, which make it incompatible with other mods that do that. I wanted the buildings, so I put it there to keep starting conditions from CC or RKEC and still enjoy the assets. The old version section contains mods made for Banished < 1.0.7, which etiher doesn't matter because the mod doesn't use flags / its reources are overwritten by mods above, or is a storage/market building that I want on purpose not to store new flag items. The overrides below that don't show any conflicts in the game, so can sit there. The content section is similar, but those mods add new things instead of overwriting vanilla stuff. As I said above, this is certainly not a perfect order (I had one item with no name in the town hall stats when I was testing newly added mods with debug, and DS Village kitchen has two of its recipes nameless, however they look like the omelette from DS Jetty kitchen), but it works fine, doesn't crash and buildings that use certain resources work fine as most of them are shared and it doesn't really matter which mod they come from.

What I would want to do is create a patch that merges all the starting conditions and resources, so for example I could have mountain trees and RKEC animals on the same map, but I don't have the necessary files. In Skyrim such patches are easy to make (there are even programs that do it automatically, but you should look over the result manually anyway to make sure it's exactly as you want). This example shows 3 plugins that modify a list of gems (the rightmost one is what the game loads), first is just the base game plugin. Second mod adds its own list named CCO Jewels there. Third mod adds black pearl. You can see the second mod being in the red, because its change is overritten by the third mod, and the result is just like in Banished with starting conditions — I would only see black pearl from the third mod but not CCO Jewels from the second mod, because that change was overwritten. But now in this example there's a fourth mod coming into rescue creating a patch that makes sure both CCO Jewels from the second mod and black pearl from the third mod are loaded in the game. If we had such system in Banished, that would make everything so much easier and more compatible. But at the very least we can switch mods around so we can play with different items in different towns so it's not all bad! And we can make patches like this, but in a less convenient way and only if we have the source files.

And of course I got carried away with the details — congratulations if you managed to read the whole essay.


it is extnsive.LOL. well worded too. as you have found, there is so much give and take with the orders.

i put mods above that alter start settings, such as the pine mod, age mods, mine safety addons,etc.  then do groups of modder mods below whatever the main mod is. has taken years to put together. several  mods are moved above the RK due to conflicts. even the modder groups have certain mods to the top of them to deal with icon issues on my tool bars.

there is so much give and take. give up X to get Y to work if this way, but opposite or cause other conflicts if backwards. we all have our specific wants or goals. i did recently this year alter the fodder grass. wanted the Nat Div to work with RED's animals.  best i got was to use a KID's mod to alter the grass and rid the flowers.  they are collected as thatch.

with the mod manager we can keep copies of orders that do work. if we make mistakes, it is easy to figure out why and correct them. that thing saves HOURS of work down to seconds.