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Pandu - Try for 10.000 Population (failed cause of crashes)

Started by Trizeropz, November 15, 2015, 11:05:53 AM

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I´m afraid that they froze to death if the idle takes to long in winter:o
If the first 2 canals are finished, there will not be a way around anymore;)


Picture 1: Cattle and Milky Cows have the same skin  :o. Opened a big animal farm over 16 pastures. Wanna get wool myself instead waste trading units for wool. Also I´m producing milk to have food variety. With fish, milk and herbs I got 4,5 hearts which is nice:)

Picture 2: Firewood economy is exploding as expected. Thinking about expand the stockpiles in the next line of canals. Ordered only herbs from a single trader. He is coming every 3 years and brings exactly 14000 of herbs. I´m only able to buy 3k. And it´s empty after 2 years^^

Picture 3: Many more pastures placed and lot of fishermen assigned. Food now also exploded. Close every barn is 100% filled. It´s impressive how fast 75 laborer can clear the area on the left


Quote from: Trizeropz on November 19, 2015, 02:47:28 PM
ahhh just two zeros? peanuts! Wait, is that only a german adage/proverb?
No, "peanuts" is good in English as well. Something not worth taking into consideration.

You're on your way!


It looks frightening efficient.  :D
If you fill the map like that you will be able to get more than 10 000 people.

I have one question: Why don't you use the @RedKetchup NMT-markets instead of the stockpiles and most of the barns?


Well.. it's harder than i thought. First a funny screenshot.
Picture 1: Dismissed the half canal length at once->got this cool screenshot:D
Picture 2: So the bad news, I had some big problems. Mostly because I focused more on the town layout than the economy. Bad mistake. Population raised faster and faster, till the economy couldnt handle to buy enough food. No problem so far, I have many fishermens inactive. So I assigned all the 66 fisher and bought many many herbs. Unfortunately the herb trader only comes every 4-5 years. So, everyone know what happens if you only gave the people one food type and no herbs.. people startet idling like 80% of the time. Lost 3 hearts of health. The idling made it some worse.
Picture 3: The worst moment. Only 70k food for ~1000 people. Disease and frozing people. Lost maybe 200 people on starvation and frozing. But 40k logs. And full happiness. Thats ok.
Set every tp to buy 1k of every food type. And autobuy 9999 logs. Set inventory to 4k firewood and 100 tools. Had many laborer. Assigned every woodcutter 1 worker. Doubled blacksmiths and tailor.(Currently thinking about exporting them much more)
Demolished every pasture and replaced them with new sizes and more symmetry. 80% sheeps, 20% milky cows. To fix the deathwalk I tried to close the first district with the next canal line.
There was enough stone so I placed the whole next line and let it go.
While new canal line was built, I lost more people on starvation. I could just remove a fishermen and replaced it with a bridge but im afraid the break of 1-2 years without trader wouldnt end that well.. Let's have a look on the next picture

Picture 4, 5 and 6: Mostly fish but enough of other food types by the trader. Aaaaaand many of mutton from my big sheep farm. Food is now raising very fast. Clothing too. Logs and firewood is alright but could be more. Got 3 hearts of health back. Built some more dairys for my milky cows because there is way to much milk. Can someone tell me if the people can drink the milk or just the next product like cheese or yogurt? Anyway, I'm not sure if i will  keep the pastures for more export or replacing them with crops. Deciding later. It's now reserved as 'emergency space'
Next canal line is finished. First woodcutter will be too. As soon as there are some houses underneath the canal, I will close the gap of the canal on the right. At this point the population will grow very fast because no one will die anymore on deathwalk.

Maybe you saw that i replaced the townhall outside the canal system. Thats for save some space and it's not needed inside. I will not accept nomads in further time.

@Nilla Yeah i think it could get maybe to 15k. And I dont wanna know how much it will lagg^^
I dont use them because I will lose overview. I need to watch currently on so much things at once. If I had specialized markets it would be much more effort. And the radius of them is very small. With the normal markets I can see every ressource thats inside. But on other hand I could optimize a single ressource much better. Maybe I give it a try on the next canal line:)


Hey Triz, why don't you trade the mutton away for nuts? Cheap and easy way to triple your protein.

Are you doing auto-trading?


That's a good idea. I auto-trade food and logs. Stone, iron and herbs manually


I must laugh as I see all the boats, some are a bit undisciplined, but most of them hold the perfect distance to the boat in front.  ;D

But that second picture; I'm sorry to say and I hope for you that I'm wrong. But as far as I can see, it's no lack of fuel or food, nor any building mistakes. I have seen the same. It looks like that damn "freezing bug". That made me stop my big building attempts. :(  :'(
People walk from all over the map to one single place; a house, a market...... Nothing can stop them from get there. If it happens again; try to find where they are going and demolish the building. The people who has already started their marches will go on until they get there, freeze or starve to death but no new people will start to go there.

You are wrong in one other aspect; health and idling has nothing to do with each other. Sick people don't idle more than healthy. They do occasionally stop working for a brief moment and visit a non-existing herbalist, that's all. Unhappy people idle more than happy. But most of all they idle if they have nothing to do. I investigated this very thorough in one of my last towns:

One small tip: If you use some butchers, you can increase the amount and value of the mutton for trade.

I´ll add the links where I wrote about the "freeze bug"


Quote from: Nilla on November 23, 2015, 01:34:19 PM
I'm sorry to say and I hope for you that I'm wrong. But as far as I can see, it's no lack of fuel or food, nor any building mistakes. I have seen the same. It looks like that damn "freezing bug."
Yeah Not the Lack caused the to die. It's a Bug I know. But i think I can fix that with the canals as I wrote earlier. The only thing that stop the going across the map is to block the path to it, in my case a canal does it.

Quote from: Nilla on November 23, 2015, 01:34:19 PMYou are wrong in one other aspect; health and idling has nothing to do with each other. Sick people don't idle more than healthy.
K I am wrong on this one. It would just Match so well with the thing that happens.

Quote from: Nilla on November 23, 2015, 01:34:19 PM
One small tip: If you use some butchers, you can increase the amount and value of the mutten for trade
Going to do that.
Yesterday I had no time to go on neither I have today. Maybe tomorrow. I will try to get the Boats more disciplinated :D
Thanks for the Info @Nilla :)


I hope you can find a way to conquer that bug. I think it´s not easy, because if you block the way to one spot they find particularly interesting, they find another somewhere else. But maybe you can find something. I really hope so!


man, you cannot make a canal so long like that without a simple bridge from time to time :S
you save up space but at the cost of effiency of your citizens. citizens needs to go idle from time to time not matter what and all the time spent to walk to their prefered 'idle spot' doesnt count.

for example: a citizens need to go 5 sec idle, but he needs to walk 60 sec to get there and 60 sec to get back ... instead of 5 sec idle, he passed 125 sec to not producing.

making a city isnt that easy ^^ alot more things to think than just 'economy' ^^


about cows : yeah in 1.1b they have same both skins. but the good news in 2.0 they both will have different skin because now we have our 'own' cow 3D mesh :)
(3D mesh bought by me, but fixed and fully functional by BlackLiquid ShockPuppet)
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about stock piles.... and General Store : General stores are more efficient by number of 'tiles' :) for firewood but it doesnt store wood :)
20,000 weight for a 4x6 (5+1 road) building.
the one who store wood are the StoneShop store who stock all building material like wood/stone/iron ^^
also 20,000 weight for a 4x6 (5+1 road) building.

but the good thing for both, you can put worker on these who will go gather the wood and firewood for you :)
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I think you dont get what I want to do^^ Here is a sketch. The yellow line shows the canals. Every of the 10 'districts' working on their own. Without connecting to the others. They cant walk that much. I will put some wells for the people who wants an idling spot


I don't think that this would work; I mean if you intend to make the districts isolated from each other.

I don't think you played this game from the beginning @Trizeropz, before any patches. But one of the big things many players complained about was the "death marches". People who for some reason went far away from home, didn't get home in time to eat and starved or froze to death. I didn't mind very much, because you could take this into consideration, when you played and minimize the effects. But even than, you had occasional starvation deaths.

In order to minimize these death marches someone tried to play with isolated districts, using the river and streams, tearing the bridges down, and wrote about it in the Shining Rocks Forum in the early days. I followed this with great interest, because I had that idea, too. Anyhow it didn't work. The reason, as far as I remember, was that when new couples are founded, they seldom hook up with the neighbor. If couples from different districts are put together (and they will, you can't do anything to prevent that) one of them will not get to his/her house or to his/her workplace close to the house, only walk around trying to get there, producing nothing, until he/she starves or freezes to death.

There might be some other problems too, if someone for some reason "wants" /is programmed to get into a district without access. As example; I don´t think the traders will be programmed only to get firewood in their own district. 

I don't think anything is changed in the patches to prevent this.


Just wanna say that i continue playing this map :)
Got some new ideas for the layout.
I am almost at 1000 people again