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Nilla - Mobilene a town without big stores of food

Started by Nilla, August 28, 2015, 09:56:36 AM

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Believe me, I've been experimenting a lot with the number of vendors. I'm sure in this case it doesn't help to increase them. There are 5 markets and before the harvest starts there's usually only 2000-5000 food left, so there is not much to get. I'm not so sure that I even want everything carried to the markets. The people in the distant areas also need some food. Maybe I should have built 1 or 2 markets less, but I´m not so sure here either.

So it's the same problem if you have much much food or little food; distribution!  :-\


1200 inhabitants passed! Food limit 20 000. Still alive!

First picture

This hospital was once good located at the mountain side, behind fields and pastures. But than I built that trading port and the bridge to the other side of the river and suddenly the main road passes outside.  :-\. The first sick got to the hospital fast, all other infected are pass-byers and idlers.

I´ve built another tunnel, no change. I´ve built more roads between the fields, no change. The next thing will be to turn the hospital and make the entrance to the mountainside and take away the road that passes.

You can see, even if I buy some fruit, the production and consumption of food are about the same.

Second picture

It´s getting a bit problematic. You can see that the products from farming are all used, so until the harvest starts, there is no grain and only little vegetables to get. This makes the health go down. And of cause it´s also very fragile. Now I´m dependent on the food merchants. So I´ve built some more trading ports. There are 8 of them now.

The harvest hasn´t started yet, even though it looks like that. There was a late frost, so a part of the crops froze in early spring.


1500 inhabitants passed! Food limit 20 000! Still alive. Believe it or not! Now I will go for 2000!  ;D

First picture

I will show you a couple of things in this picture

1. This is a miserable autumn. It´s not even late autumn and there is frost. I´m glad of my many squash and wheat fields.

2. There are still idlers from the nearby (?) settlement at the turned hospital and sometimes some "passbyers", who use the shortcut over the mountain, but not so many as it was before.

3. Even if I buy a lot of apples and some chestnuts the production and consumption of food are about the same.

4. I have found a good strategy; I always let the boats with food wait until they are empty or until another one arrives. In that way, I can always buy the "right" amount of apples/chestnuts at the "right" point. I don´t want the production to stop, because the barns are full of imported food.

Second picture

Year 48, 1500 inhabitants.

I´ve learned one thing the hard way; Don´t build any new houses, if you have empty stores! The people who move in, will walk all over the map, to look for food and finally die of starvation in front of a distant barn. On their way, they will pass several markets and barns, not full of food, but not totally empty either. I don´t understand the programming of food gathering. ???


Quote from: Nilla on September 07, 2015, 05:24:29 AM

Second picture

Year 48, 1500 inhabitants.

I´ve learned one thing the hard way; Don´t build any new houses, if you have empty stores! The people who move in, will walk all over the map, to look for food and finally die of starvation in front of a distant barn. On their way, they will pass several markets and barns, not full of food, but not totally empty either. I don´t understand the programming of food gathering. ???
I know what is happening here; the guy is shopping not just for any old place that has food, he is shopping for a location where he can get the best variety of food. He'd like to take home all four food groups if he can. He'll go where he needs to go in order to do that.

Did you know that our guys go home to eat 6x/year? And when they do they will eat ~15 food points. If there is a good variety of food present in his house, each type of food has an equal chance of having 1-3 points consumed; if all four food groups are present, he will eat some of each one. If all four groups are not present, or if the total food inventory in the house is less than ~150, there is a good chance that the next thing someone who lives there will do is go shopping for food.

Caveat: I learned this by following around the members of one family in Frenchman's Bend for a couple of years. As FB is the land of plenty, the details may vary somewhat in a town like Mobilene, that is getting by on a shoestring. But I'm confident the basic behaviors will be the same.


Quote from: irrelevant on September 07, 2015, 10:43:04 PM

I know what is happening here; the guy is shopping not just for any old place that has food, he is shopping for a location where he can get the best variety of food. He'd like to take home all four food groups if he can. He'll go where he needs to go in order to do that.

That might be an explanation, but I'm not sure you're right. In other games with plenty of food, I have noticed that a house close to a barn that's mainly used from a fisher often only contains fish and the health of the people in it, is very bad. If your theory was right, they would walk a bit further, to get a variation of food. But they don't seem to do this, at least not always.

I have another thought: The person is programmed, the moment as he starts his walk and if he is headed for one place from the beginning, he doesn't change his mind on his way. It might very well have been no food in the two closest markets, as he started his walk, or the food had been "reserved" for someone else, who started his walk earlier.

I didn't play yesterday but I think I will tonight and than I will study the behavior a bit better.


Quote from: Nilla on September 08, 2015, 05:00:38 AM

That might be an explanation, but I'm not sure you're right. In other games with plenty of food, I have noticed that a house close to a barn that's mainly used from a fisher often only contains fish and the health of the people in it, is very bad. If your theory was right, they would walk a bit further, to get a variation of food. But they don't seem to do this, at least not always.

in the case of FB, I probably was seeing the best possible situation, where everyone lives in a market circle; in that case they go to the market. You're right, a fisher not in a market circle is probably not going to eat very well.

Quote from: Nilla on September 08, 2015, 05:00:38 AM

I have another thought: The person is programmed, the moment as he starts his walk and if he is headed for one place from the beginning, he doesn't change his mind on his way. It might very well have been no food in the two closest markets, as he started his walk, or the food had been "reserved" for someone else, who started his walk earlier.

I'm sure this is the case for every move our guys make. Their missions get created (even "idling" and "playing") and nothing will change them until they are complete, with one exception: you can stop someone from working by shutting down his workplace and firing everyone who works there. If you do that while he is sick, he will head straight to his doctor.


I did play yesterday evening but not until 2000. I'm in year 52 and have about 1750 inhabitants, but also this time: no change of the food limit and still alive.

As I can remember/as I saw, there were only two starvation deaths. One of them more or less provoked by me, because I wanted to study the behavior of collecting food. But as I started to plan the time of finishing new homes, it's much better.

I cannot say I understand much more even after my studies, but I think it's a  "competition" of the little food in the stores:

First picture

The 4 houses in the circle are new. Built in a period of little food and I followed some of their inhabitants:

Silvesteban and Arti

Arti went to the close by market 4 times:
1. getting 50 firewood
2. getting 22 fish (why 22?)
3. getting 22 onions -"-
4  getting 148 apples (at the time of the screenshot)

What did Silvesteban do in that time?
He went to the second closest market (blue X on the map). As he go there, he turned, because he was cold and went home to get warm. He didn't carry anything home from the market. After the brief brake at home, I suppose he was tired, so he went out to idle!  :-\ The poor Arti has to do all the carrying around! Does she regret her marriage already? Such an inefficient, lazy (?) husband?

From one of the neighbor houses one person died of starvation, just in front of a distant barn (red X on the map). It's a barn for a fisher hut. I also put two very small fields there, to get some food variation for the inhabitants in that corner. I suppose there was some food left there assigned for him.

Second picture

I haven´t shown the food graph for a long time. Here it is; every year pretty much the same.

You can see my latest building project and strategy for finishing houses. It´s early autumn. The stores are filling up. I will just assign some builders to finish the started homes (there are some more on another spot) But you can see; I ran out of stones. I was a bit too eager to order food from the general tradesmen and "unordered" too much stone. I have to make some adjustments, if I want to get to the 2000.


That's it! 2000 inhabitants early summer 56; food limit 2000. It was possible.

What have we learned from this experiment?

It is possible to play Banished, even support a growing settlement, without building up a large store of food.

Would I recommend to play a game like this? No. it's certainly easier the "normal" way. But there is no need to panic, if the stores for some reason are small. As long as you are in control of what you are doing; It's cool!

I'll show the production numbers. I had a couple of bad harvests the last years, but the present year was normal. You can see; in a good year, I need to buy the food from one boat each year. The rest is produced in town.

Doesn´t seem to work to attach pictures today. I´ll try later.


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Very interesting game @Nilla. Would be interesting to see how well you would have fared without any food imports at all.


@Pangaea; it wouldn't have worked at all with that extreme low food limit of 20 000 for 2000 people. The production would have been too low.

It might have worked with my original plan of 50 food for each person. In fact as long as I held on to that limit, I bought no food. Maybe I can revive this town after I've finished my "bad conditions" town and give it a try. Unfortunately I've changed most orchards to fields (more reliable and longer harvest) so they will have to do with a slightly unbalanced diet, but as my other experiment shows; it doesn't seem to matter much.