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Discussions : New Medieval Town v 1.1b => incoming 2.0

Started by RedKetchup, July 02, 2015, 01:35:59 PM

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Red, your new tailor looks great, don't worry about the mannequins they look fine.

To me the game is about variety, and the more variety there is in the types of building you can use the better.

Now you have a rustic/village type of tailor and a large town/city style tailor -- perfect for variety.

As for the clothes made by your tailor why don't you simply use the three original styles -- leather, wool, and wool and leather.

In many ways the CC tailor is simply too complicated in what it offers.

Keep up the good work.

Remember -- you can't keep everyone happy -- we all like something different


From my perspective, unless the different types of cloths do some thing for you there is no real reason to have them. In CC it gives you extra options to make essentially the same thing, normal and warm clothes. It may give you other options, where you may be able to use the uniforms, for example, to do something else. Like what was happening in the "Settlers of Arcadia" game that was running for a short while.

In no way does it make your version garbage, or theirs fantastic, they are both great. The CC version makes sense in CC. Your version makes sense in NMT.


more variety gives also more ways to do the same thing (more work around depending what you have available in the hands) :)

i dunno , i will still gonna check if i can at least add something... maybe coton + new cloth that will go with.
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If you want to make a new type of fabric, cloth made from hemp is one thing that CC doesn't have.


You don't really have to compete with CC. The only reason I have it is because of the wildlife. Why don't you ask Kralyerg for permission to replicate his basic clothes mod for your tailor shop or something similar?


red -please don't try to compete with cc . YOUR STUFF IS FANTASTIC, and don't let anyone tell you different


i dont want to compete... i cannot compete anyway.
just want people find my buildings useful lol and use them.
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Denis de la Rive

You are missing the main point concerning the CC tailor, you need to upgrade to the clothier to access the warm clothing, (the vanilla tailor has been modified), this in turn requires the advanced resource: building material, (in the upcoming 1.6 version). Building materials in turn need a building to produce and several components that also need to be produced. This means that your tailor is very different from CC's and can be very useful to many players. When playing with NMT and CC, your tailor in effect becomes the vanilla version. On certain types of maps, or starting conditions your tailor will be an essential option. People who say otherwise don't understand the game, (or they cheat to avoid the restrictions), and should be ignored.

You should never think you are competing with CC, your buildings are so interesting and I would never consider playing without both. Some of the newest functions like the conservatory, (a way to add housing by placing an extension on certain houses), or the cellars, (a small piece you add to houses that is like a small specialized storage), work very well with NMT houses. I will try to get you a picture of this so you can see how much synergy there is between what you do and CC.  :)


I totally agree with Denis de la Rive. The NMT Tailor is not only cute but is also an essential building on some start since it can produce warm clothing without upgrade.

I appreciate a lot that you collaborate with CC team so that both mods stay compatible but what is the best is that the two mods are really complementing each other.

I like a lot the look and feel of your buildings and like Denis, I mostly play with both mods activated and that gives many opportunities to build marvellous towns (even if I am far from what Paeng manages to do).

Just go on your own way. By yourself you so many great innovations! Those are amazing.


ok, gonna keep that way then. so i guess, if i understand you, people who are whining against my tailors.... are stupid dumb people who doesnt know how to play and appreciate items at their real value ?
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Denis de la Rive

Oui, c'est ça!  ;)

You can consider that what I wrote also applies to the other buildings in NMT, by being different they complement rather than compete, with CC.


Some people just don't understand there is value in not having complete sameness. It is truly beautiful the way you and the CC mod creators try to work together. I would be sad if I had to give up playing with one mod to play the other. In actual fact, I use this mod by Kralyerg:
because you know how I am about not liking cluttered inventories.... ;D
But on the subject of enjoying both mods, I use your tavern as my favorite right now because a) it allows 2 workers (can't tell you how happy this makes me, being able to have fewer taverns cluttering up the landscape just so I can trade ale) and b) I love to use the little house attached to it, which is one of the reasons why I wanted you to allow continued use of these buildings. I still like them!
Anyhow, I am perfectly happy to just have the "vanilla" offerings, as I usually have sheep as soon as possible. I do use CC tailor flax and sometimes cotton, but am perfectly content to use some of yours and some of theirs. Makes for a more varied landscape.

Denis de la Rive

Well here are some images of NMT houses with CC additions, they are part of the 1.6 beta that is very close to release depending on the new version of Banished.

The final image has 5 families and two storage cellars, you could if needed add the there floor for one more family! With the ghost decorations, (can be placed inside the building shadow), from CC its possible to create personalized buildings so no two look the same. Playing without NMT is not an option for me, the brick textured buildings fit so well with the late colonial buildings of CC like the new town hall, governors house and courthouse. I was even able to combine the townhouses of CC with NMT housing, it is a perfect flush fit. I can't wait to see highly concentrated housing in a town centre.

I was wondering if you could retexture your collage, it is such a nice building! :)


awesome screenshots !! :) i understand about the cellars....

my collage ?
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I think he might be refering to the old Adriana's (sp?) college building... In which case your covered by that large 2-floor schoolhouse thing you have... Although, a stand-alone re-make in the newer style might still be nice (stand-alone like the bath-house is kinda stand-alone).