Discussion: Medieval Town ==> available on Steam !!

Started by RedKetchup, December 22, 2015, 01:37:17 PM

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Hello, RedKetchup. Thanks a lot for a great mod!

I have just two questions:
1. I try to build nice villages ... but they look abandoned. Because there is no smoke from houses. :-[
2. Please think about to make 1.2x-1.5x larger radius of vendor buildings. But maybe it was intended for urban settlements, not for wide willages.

Best regards from Siberia, Russia. Sorry my English please.


the problem with smoke :

1. tons of people ask to disable cause it lag alot on lesser computers
2. i cant put on floor 1 and 2 cause if you build a floor 3 , the old smoke makes like if the houses are in fire

the vendor are intented to be built in downtowns of cities
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RedKetchup, thanks for your answers, so fast!

UPD. Milky cows are dissapeared from traders. I also checked in new game with newsest MT2.0 mod only, before start.
The trader list: Chickens, cattle, cow and sheep. Cattle is brown and cow looks like a friesian cow.

I have too much meat (sheeps, cows and leghorns) but I need more leather. So I hope to get milky cows but I cant.


yeah milky cow are just named cow now. they are black and white and give milk.
and cattle is the original brown one with no milk
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Hi Red,

I'm putting together a little sheet with all the STORAGE capacities - can you fill in the blanks for me, please?
Basically I just need the Capacity and the Size (footprint including road)...

New Medieval Town

Trade Buildings
Canal Trade Post |

Normal Barn | 8.000 / 8x5
Medium Barn | 6.000 / 6x4
Small Barn | 5.000 / 5x3
Tiny Barn | 4.000 / 4x2
Grain Silo |
Coal Silo |
Granary |
Root Cellar |

Market Buildings
General Store |
Meat Store |
Hardware Store |
Food Store | 8.000 /

Fruit Vendor |
Grain Vendor |
Clothes Vendor |

Food Stall | 3.000 /
Ale Stall | 3.000 /

Also, please let me know if I miss any...  :)
Thanks a lot!

[i]Heads are round so thoughts can take a turn[/i]
[color=teal][size=8pt]Editor's Choice [b]here[/b][/size][/color]


This mod is sweet, I've been recently in Firenze (Florence), Italy and thinking "I need to build something like this in Banished!" (yeah, I'm a nerd when it comes to city building) so your mod is just fantastic!

I think a good addition could be some decorative items like fountains, statues in a medieval like (a Virgin Mary, Michelangelo's "David", some greco-roman god as the rennassaince produce) as well as parks, flowers

keep up the good work!


Hi Red,

I was finally able to take some time and start playing Banished again. I'm really enjoying all the new features you added. Wonderful job on all of this! Thank you. :)


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First, @RedKetchup, this mod has made my Banished Experience. The models are gorgeous and my towns look great.

Second, I've been hunting through the older posts and haven't found the following:

- Lil' bug report: Stone Bakeries and Brick Bakeries (1st floor) produce smoke , causing the appearance of delicious-smelling fires in the 2nd and 3rd floors of homes built above them.

- Is there a link for a version of NMT 2.0 that includes smoke for 3rd floor buildings? I'm not worried about lag...

-I've noticed schools allow 2 teachers. Does this = more students or allow for faster education? Is this just a result of also having Adriana's college?

-After you've released RotP, and if you intend to return to NMT, could you perhaps create 2nd floor versions barbers, clinics, and dentists? They'd look lovely with the bay windows you have on some of the first floor homes...

- While I'm selfishly making requests.... could you possibly add a 2 width stone bridge?


thanks for the good words :)

bakeries: i never noticed, i will have to check that.

i never made a version with smoke for the 2-3rd floors.

1 or 2 teacher doesnt change anything about the children education. the game lack a serious control over that. the benefit is if 1 of your teacher dies in this building, it wont throw your children on the street (and make them young adults without education)

there is no plan at all to return to NMT. not even sure rotp will be release one day. enjoying 'my vacations' and i am kinda 'retired' of all this.
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I love this mod, thanks for the fun it provides.

I have a couple of questions though.

There seems to be an imbalance in the economy.

Example 1: Warm Coats (TV = Trade Value)

When using the Medieval Tailor: a Warm Coat (TV 20) = 2 wool (TV 5 x 2) + 2 leather (TV 10 x 2)

So a TV 20 Warm Coat actually needs materials worth TV 30, meaning I craft those at a loss. That wouldnt be too horrible for my own citizens but it makes Warm Coats basically worthless as a trade good. Also when using the (way uglier ;) ) normal tailor one warm coat only cost half of this.

Am I making a mistake here and the Medieval Tailor actually produces 2 Warm Coats with those 2 wool and 2 leather?

I mean I love prettier bulidings, but when they make a good export turn from profit into a loss it definitely makes me think twice about using them.

Example 2: Tools (Iron, Steel, Carbon Steel)

The good news is that, calculating raw material TV against final product TV like in example 1, tools will actually net you a profit every time.

The bad news is that your high quality stuff actually nets you less profit than the low quality stuff: Iron tools will net you a profit of TV 4, steel tools of TV 2 and carbon steel tools of TV 3?

This makes very little sense to me.

Is this part intended? I do feel bad producing lesser quality tools for trade, when I could easily produce more high quality ones.

I haven't tested yet whether this imbalancebetween metrial costs and final product cost applies to stuff like pies, bread, salted meat etc.

I mean, even in a barter economy any product still won't be traded for less than the sum of its materials.

So ... I just want to build my little town that's famous for producing the best quality good around here. :) Can anyone clarify those points for me?

Denis de la Rive

Measuring the usefulness of goods, and buildings, in simple terms of trade value misses a large part of the impact of such products. In Banished time is everything, so a tool that last longer will impact all production by reducing the number of trips to the market/barn to replace it. The same applies for clothing, increases the time between trips home to warm up. Everything that changes the time available for production is a valuable improvement, and sometimes like in RL, you need to pay a price for an advantage. I know there are some instances of un-balanced production chains, but this is not the case for these goods. You must also take into account that some chains produce more from a given input by educated workers.  ;)