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Necora's Work in Progress

Started by Abandoned, February 27, 2017, 07:02:23 PM

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i have narrowed it down to a spawning issue regarding the pine forest set, but I have no idea what.


I ditched half the natural resources from the pine set, leaving only those that are also in other sets. It seems to work fine, all are spawning.

So that means the issue is with either flax, bough, or resin. I have my money on flax. I'm going to add them back in 1 by 1 and see which one causes the crash.


I think it is the flax... making a few adjustments now.


OK I found the issue!

So I made a last minute change to the wild flax to try to get it to increase spawn chance. Turns out that a spawn chance of .9 is too high, the game doesn't like that. I made it .4, and it seems to work fine.

I'll do some more testing and load a fix this eve or tomorrow.


Good job @Necora. That must have been a tricky one to find.


@Nilla and everyone else, thanks for your patience. The mod has finally uploaded and should be good to go.


Than you! I will try it. I made a save before I build the pine forester on my last attempt and played a bit more without any pine forest.

A brief report from testing your inshore fisher;

I bought some boats and used 2 of them to catch lobster and mackerel. They started early autumn and produced 470/520 that first year. Next year they ran the whole year; 1120/1090. Both boats went useless in early summer the following year. It took a little less than 2 years.

A dory costs 125 if ordered, so the cost compared to 2000 food isn't high. I find, more than 1000 food each year is a bit too high. If you would let it take 3 or 4 years, the output would be like other fisher. I would find that more reasonable. Or maybe as you've suggested, that you need something more, than the boat, to start the fishing trip, that takes down the profit; like some fishing tools. I would like that.

Two small requests; is it possible to make a demolish button in the menu (like the one you use on the pine chopper). I "missed" the demolishing at first and tried to demolish the close dock instead of the old boat. It also looks a bit as odd, as  the fisher stands on the boat with a hack, trying to hack in the water. Maybe we can pretend, that it's a boathook and he's just getting something out of the water, I don't know. I guess it would look better, if the fisher just stands on his boat without tools, like a tailor, as if he just returned from his long trip to the sea. Don't know if it's possible.


hey @Necora , sorry I have not tried pine set or dory yet but both look really good.  I would think that the food output should be high to justify having to build a dory which requires resources and space and a worker for a dory that has a limited life span.  If anything raise the price of buying the dory, 125 is way too low especially for a special order, maybe 500 trade units, otherwise why build your own dory?  I also think requiring the dory alone is enough of a needed item for this fisher.  :)


Thanks for the feedback.

@Abandoned the dory is different from earlier versions of this mod, and has a decent profit if you make them yourselves. I decreased the resources needed to make rope and increased the value of the dory from 75 to 100 so now it is something like this with an educated worker and using hemp for rope and pine boughs for pitch...

20 Hemp (total value = 20) = 2 Rope (total value = 70) resulting in a + 50 profit.
4 Wood (T.V. = 8) = 5 Lumber (T.V. = 10) resulting in a +2 profit.
3 Pine Boughs (T.V. = 3) = 4 Pine Pitch (T.V. = 16) resulting in a + 13 profit.

4 Lumber + 2 Rope + 2 Pitch (T.V. = 94) = 2 Dory (T.V. = 200) resulting in a + 106 profit.

Then currently it is 1 Dory = 2,000 food over the course of 2 years.

So it is not a bad chain even if you want to just trade away your Dory at the end of it.

@Nilla I have made some tools. I made fishing nets, traps, lines, and tackle. All have the same value, and all need the same value resources (but different things) and I made 4 so that there is variation for different types of fish (traps for lobsters, tackle for tuna, nets for shrimp and herring, and lines for mackerel). I coded it up as an extra build cost, so you need 1 dory and 10 nets (or others) to make the boat. I think each net combination has a value of 4, so that makes a 140 input for the fishing. I am not sure about it though, and might experiment with the nets as consumables rather than build costs. What do you think?


I had to buy the dories, because the pineforest with flax crashed and my ordered flax seed didn't arrive. Now I have loaded the fixed version and the first thing I will do, is to build a pine forest, than we will see further.

I find it good, that's it no longer a loss to produce rope and dories. Until I've tested and seen how high the production is, I can say nothing to the profit. The values for rope and dories, seems to be quite high; 25 profit for one rope and 53 for one dory. But if you only can produce a few of them each year, it might be alright. I will give it a test.

To the nets and other equipments for the fishing boats: I don't think it's a good idea to let this equipment be consumed as a production input. It's like a boat. You can use the same for a long time. From time to time, some of it is broken or get lost and has to be replaced. Not principally more often than the boat. I would prefer it, to be a construction material. If you want an input for these fisher, some fish would be better. To catch the lobster or big fish you'll need a bait. It could cost 2 fish to get 10 lobster or something like that.


is the alternative link for the pine set updated? thank you


sorry @brads3 I can't do it today because my internet is too slow, it took me about 5 hours to upload the one to dropbox.

I'll put it up first thing in the morning when I get to work and have decent internet again :)


@Necora , Is the link for the dory beta on BL forum still for the fishing boats that don't require nets or tackle or has the link already been updated?  Did I miss the original beta without those requirements?


@brads3 the google drive link has been added. You can download here...

@Abandoned The beta link is still the original one I put up, so without the nets etc.


@Necora oh great, thanks.  All these sets look great and I really liked the dock set and PEI that I tried. :)