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Maritimes Pine Set V105

Started by Necora, February 27, 2017, 04:06:06 PM

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wow that is a long list. more than mine by a ton.1st step is to go to WOB  tips and tricks and read my write-up on mod order. your list is messed up if that is the way the game loads.several start condition mods are way down in the order.have you ever cleared the registry??? some old old mods did not let go even when they were deleted from the WINDATA folder. i ask because with so many mods ,i wonder if you tested others also.
         you can try a trick before you redo the entire mod the WINDATA folder and take every mod out,just throw them in a folder on the desktop so you can find them again.then put the pine mod in and run the game.the game will remember the mod order as you have it but since those mods are not in the WINDATA folder it will  not load will not have to enable and restart the game with this trick. you can use the debug and quick build foresters,houses,etc to save time. then let it run several years to see how the production is with just the pine mod.if the numbers are no better than dump the registry and add the mods back in a few at a time after reading my instruction page.if the pine mod does show improvements and good outputs,try adding any mods that you feel are causing the a test and see if they affect the production any.
     i did redo my registry and reload every mod back in,took me about a week doing like 5 or so at a is a tedious and time consuming task.
     i hope you find the error before going that far.


That is an incredible mod list!

But, I think I've lost some of the conversation here, why are we talking about mod lists? I really don't think it is a mod compatibility issue... I have some time this morning and am testing things through to see if I can come up with a solution. I think the main issue is relating to how I changed the spawn chances and age to maturity of the spawned resources. Evidently, it isn't as easy as changing 1 number and having the desired effect, lots of lines in the code seem to interact somehow and so changing one leads to un-forseen impacts on others. I'm currently trying a few things out and will let you know if I get anywhere.


@Necora I think you may be on to something...   I have used these mods for  long time in the list they are in and they haven't had a problem.  But i can try fiddling with it,
@brads3 I don't have the debug, Where do I get it?  And how do I clear the registry?
I am not a crazy cat lady...  I'm THE Crazy Cat Lady.


I have a debug mod.
It looks like a beetle (bug) on the main toolbar. I put it there for easy access.


@Necora  would it help if I gave you a copy of the year by year production of Resin Eggs Game Pelts and Furs?  I'm seeing a similar problem with the Maple sap. 
I am not a crazy cat lady...  I'm THE Crazy Cat Lady.


what is odd is i don't seem to have the problem. that is why i try helping them find the issue since i can't see it being the mod itself.i have seen mods do funny thngs since the upgrade to 1.07. i have a few that affect my CC duck blinds. the mods have nothing in them that deals with ducks though.since the upgrade there are issues where the progam pulls from 2 different mods or more and mixes something up. i know it isn't suppose to be able to do that but there is weird issues now and then. if it was the mod itself i would think we would all have the same issue.i am using several behind the screen fix or help mods.maybe 1 of those is helping more than i know.gremlins like to hide and they is very good at it.


@brads3 I think you may be using an older version, is it the Beta?

@adelegarland sure, can't hurt. I've attached a spreadsheet with my numbers from this morning, but so far only for about 6 years of forestry. I've included all of the code numbers too so you can see how much each thing produces/the chance of it occurring. I should have done this from the beginning, but never thought about it. This sheet should help balance things out a bit more.

Edit - can't upload .xlsx so here is a link...!8bYSQLKR!pWo_4fAFYt46ANg3mrNjt4pCBYFF45Gu6Z-5cSDHDsM


mine is the newest 1 cause my foresters will collect game and clear traps. and the others can collect eggs not just clear nests also.


@adelegarland  can you check something,please? are your trees growing or are you cutting them too fast and they never mature?is there a way you can set 1 forester to just plant and not cut and check to see if that forester produces better?


@brads3  Already tried that, no difference.
I am not a crazy cat lady...  I'm THE Crazy Cat Lady.


@adelegarland I have been playing around with this lately, and while I never got to the stage that certain things were not being produced, the variability was very high and the outputs rather low, even for mature forests. So I made some changes to the spawn numbers, which in the tests I have done since make things a bit more accessible, but not too easy either.

I've updated the pine set to V105 with these changes, and a few others. Have a go and see if it is better.


@Necora Is there another way to download the update? I keep getting an error just a few MBs before the download completes.
There's never enough deco stuff!!!
Fiat panis.


So beautiful! I am hoping to keep it working long enough to play a game and build with it lol;) Are the new forests more demanding on the graphics? I hope this rather dumb question is still okay lol, I'm happy to lower my graphics a bit in order to enjoy the new trees and buildings. Right now my screen drags a bit even at the start of a game with only this mod enabled. That may be my older computer lol.

Is this set compatible with Kid's Colonials sets of buildings? Has anyone tried to include this mod along with DS's Small Village set? I'm hoping as people play with these Maritime sets that they will post notes on which other community mods do well with them and which don't. In some cases I would just love to be able to plant a few of the new foresters and their trees in other games, even if I don't plan to depend on the resources, more as adding diversity to more vanilla games.

Just to confirm: vanilla foresters only plant/cut vanilla trees, and the new Pine/Maple foresters only plant/cut their specialty trees?

And do vanilla or other modded storage options also store these new resources, or is it best to make sure to build particular ones for these new resources?

Also, are any of these new resources and products used by trading posts? If so, can you recommend a particular load order for that? Or a particular trading post? Or is it best to just use the vanilla along with the fix mod? I am having horrible trouble with trading posts of all kinds, including vanilla and including the fix mod for 1.07. I have yet to find a stable load order and way to incorporate the vanilla and the additional trading posts from the various mods. If there was a debug/cheat way to get livestock into my games, I'd probably quit building any trading posts at all lol, I have come to dread the arriving boats along the river!


 hmmmm,where do i start? define "drag"? mine is slower with mods than what i see people play when i watched some video's. it is stable though. my 10x speed setting is probly what some players is at 3 or 5x.when i tried the nat div 2 mod it slowed down to where the bannies were hopping instead of walking.what is your RAM? there are some tricks. turn off the autosaves. you can try playing with shadows and graphic settings.  i would open the task manager and turn off any program or service that you don't do not need the maritme tree mod if using the maritime pine set. the trees is included with the pine set.
    as far as i know most mods work with the pine mod.the new flora mod has a patch to make it work.the nat div 2 is knopwn to have issues that will slow down the game overall. as far as traders this is trial and error.i have trade posts from mods that are not upgraded yet.same with markets and storage.EB made a new market set for the 1.07. i would try not to fill the general storage pile.if it gets full you might notice the bannies can't clear land.
1.06 mods still work but be aware that they are picky about what they will store. they will not store the new items.that being said a 1.07 modded storage should store most items.
    i use CC so i have more options when it comes to storage and trading posts. if you find issues please let us know.the pine set does have some good storage and markets with it to help.they may not suit all towns but are handy near the forests.if you like the colonial then you will want the sherbrooke mod.
      you can use the debuig mod and that does have buttons to give you all the seeds and the livestock.1 button allows you to have them all and 1 button will add the livestock to available pastures,


@Gatherer is it just this you are having trouble with or do you have trouble with MEGA in general? I know other modders use MEGA, do you have the same issues downloading those? If it is a MEGA issue, what other file sharing platform works for you? I had to take them off Drive and Dropbox because I didn't have enough space, I use them for other things but can put things back onto which ever of those works best as an alternative download.

@gatinho65, @brads3 has covered it pretty well. There may well be a bit of a speed lag with the trees. I tried to keep the triangle count down as much as I could. I always found the main cause of lag is shadows, so when I have a big map/bustling town I usually turn the shadows off then turn them back on for screen shots or to have an occasional look around.
As for mods, the only issues I know of are the ones I posted here. It should work with all others, but if it doesn't let me know and I'll try to find a way to make it or at least inform people about it.

All pine resources will come in the traders. However, traders are not too easy to make work well with new resources because it is hard to control what they bring, so it is a case of waiting and hoping for the livestock I'm afraid. I know that is frustrating. You might want to try looking if there are any specialty trade posts out there. I know CC had a livestock and seed trader, and others. I am thinking about doing a set of them myself to fit in with the fisheries buildings.

All resources will be stored in Vanilla barns and stock piles. But one thing to watch out for is that I have noticed that the warning messages for stock piles/storage being full do not work properly since the updates to the game.

And yup, the vanilla forester will cut/plant the trees already on the map, and the other two will only deal with their own tree set.