Discussion: Medieval Town ==> available on Steam !!

Started by RedKetchup, December 22, 2015, 01:37:17 PM

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the things is : thats new from very last build.

i said at some point i ve done it, but me and @kralyerg , bah i mean Kralyerg found by checking my code that i never did it. and he told me that i didnt done it.
so i did it finally.

seems to have this flour edible / non-edible has pros and cons on different aspect of the game/mods lol

i still just did a little .pkm that you can place on top of the mod list that will give back the Edible tag to flour :)

up to you and people to use.... or not ^^
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Thanks again, but I keep it inedible and change the market instead, no harm done I think
with some extra flags (or is it?)

BTW. I used embx61 windmill before and got a lot of funny pictures in my head when I
realized the people were actually eating the flour.


Quote from: kid1293 on January 10, 2016, 03:14:57 AM
Thanks again, but I keep it inedible and change the market instead, no harm done I think
with some extra flags (or is it?)

BTW. I used embx61 windmill before and got a lot of funny pictures in my head when I
realized the people were actually eating the flour.

the flour isnt that bad .... but think citizen eating 10 butter for supper ^^
have you tried to take a big spoon of butter or margarine and try to eat that without puking ? ^^
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Quote from: RedKetchup on January 10, 2016, 04:25:36 AMhave you tried to take a big spoon of butter or margarine

Sure... when I was young we used to do that to get ready for a night of long, hard drinking...  ;)
[i]Heads are round so thoughts can take a turn[/i]
[color=teal][size=8pt]Editor's Choice [b]here[/b][/size][/color]

Gordon Dry

For that matter I did 2 double breaded Schnitzels, fried in a steel pan with much clarified butter, and Spätzle, swayed in much butter and perhaps some veggies like peas.
Superschmackofatz and a good base.

Fellow Villager

i used to eat butter...sometimes.
now stop.
i have 201 of cholesterol


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Hi! RedKetchup.

I appreciate your work very much. But I want to say one thing.

If I build and destroy 'Medieval Salt Mine', I can not use the land that was the footprint again.

Is it possible for you to fix this problem?


in the MC toolbar Icon there is a tool to get all the ground back up *Flatten tool* :) and after to remove all the X you use the vanilla remove building
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Thanks for your reply :)

In case 'Medieval Clay Pit' and 'Medieval Pond', I could use the land that was footprint by using *Flatten tool*.

But in case 'Medieval Salt Mine', the land that is footprint is not sunken, but is flat.
and I Could not use the land that was footprint even after using *Flatten tool*.


oh my bad !

salt mine ? i wasnt aware there was any problem with it... gonna go check. build it and remove it to see what is happening.
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Yes! That was the problem. ;)

Take your time, and I highly appreciate your endeavor and works. :)


i found it :S sorry about that.

i took the code from the iron mine / or / quarry and 1 part of the code says:

DestroyDescription destroy
   ComponentDescription _replaceEntity = "destroyed";

i replaced it with the lines that buildings usually have :

DestroyDescription destroy
   int _damagedSkin = 1;
   int _damagedDecal = 1;

and it fixed it.

unfortunately, for your 'save' i dont think it is possible to get back your space lost :(

but in next future update it will be fixed.

thanks you to have discovered this bug :)
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